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Log (predator mass/prey mass) –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 (c) Species averaging (e) All individual links (f) Individu ...
summation of the feeding niches of the consumer individuals (Fig.6.6). Most studies suggest that consumer species are, on averag ...
with sizes being the average size of each species), as is often done in studies comparing consumer-resource body-size ratios (e. ...
effects. This raises wider questions about the conventional construction of food webs, such as whether the perceived prevalence ...
Tokeshi & Schmid-Araya, 2000 , Steadet al., 2005). A commonly observed phe- nomenon within such distributions is the presenc ...
partitioning can be seen clearly within the Broadstone Stream food web, where diet width increases with predator size when only ...
stressed ecosystems, if such species are also keystones and/or strong interactors, as has been suggested (e.g. Scheffer & Ca ...
‘boxes’ through which individuals pass. Even static structural models such as the niche-based models (Warren, 1996 ; Williams &a ...
explain food-web structure.Nature, 427 , 835–839. Chase, J. M. (1999). Food web effects of prey size refugia: variable interacti ...
Kislalioglu, M. & Gibson, R. N. (1976). Prey ‘handling time’ and its importance in food selection by the 15-spined stickleba ...
Scott, M. A. & Murdoch, W. W. (1983). Selective predation by the backswimmer,Notonecta. Limnology and Oceanography, 28 , 352 ...
CHAPTER SEVEN Body size and trophic cascades in lakes J.IWAN JONES Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK ERIK JEPPESEN National E ...
zooplankton biomass and increased phytoplankton (Carpenter, Kitchell & Hodgson, 1985 ). The phrase trophic cascade has been ...
(Poweret al., 1985); lemmings and voles feeding on dwarf shrubs (Oksanen, 1983 ; Hambacket al., 2004)). A large size disparity b ...
enclosures set up within vegetated and open water areas of a shallow lake, Jeppesen et al.(2002) showed that where macrophytes w ...
have been made regarding fish, their populations being supported by zoobenthos thus allowing increased predation on zooplankton ...
assembling natural food webs into linear chains (Poliset al., 2000), but does illustrate that the rate of input of organic matte ...
removal of fish had no effect on chlorophyll in two experimental lakes (though the colonization of a fishless lake byDaphniadid ...
nutrient status and are sufficiently predictable to be used as a management tool (Box7.2). Certain patterns in food-chain length ...
all fish were removed from the Danish lakes. Presence of fish may explain why the body weight of total zooplankton and cladocera ...
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