The Greeks An Introduction to Their Culture, 3rd edition
the early seventh century show the use of the large round hoplite shield. The Chigi vase, a Protocorinthian wine jug found in an ...
It is suggested that it might have been the function of the piper figured on the vase to help the advancing unit keep their form ...
The problem he had to alleviate was first of all an economic one. The eupatridai had reduced many of the poorer citizens who had ...
HISTORY 51 with the help of the Spartan king Cleomenes. The expulsion of the tyrants came to be regarded as a landmark in the ev ...
worst of it, managed to win popular support’ (5, 66). He initiated democratic reforms by the reorganisation of existing institut ...
farmed for the Spartans. In the seventh century, Sparta overran her neighbour Messenia and reduced her inhabitants to the status ...
At 20 they joined one of the sussitia, dining clubs or messes of about 15 strong. They were required to contribute their own mon ...
became dependent and were bound not to harbour Messenians within their borders. Sparta had a long rivalry with Argos, whom she a ...
56 THE GREEKS Astymeloisa does not answer me at all, but holding the wreath like a star flying through radiant heaven or like a ...
Sardis LESBOS SCYTHIA E u ph r at es MEDIA PERSIS E G Y PT SYRIA Issus Gaugamela Cunaxa Susa Persepolis Cyrene Babylon RHODES CY ...
The Athenians and their allies, under the generalship of Callimachus and Miltiades, marched out to meet them. The Greeks faced t ...
including 10,000 specially trained ‘Immortals’ (so called because casualties in this division were immediately replaced to keep ...
60 THE GREEKS FIGURE 16 Torso of a hoplite found at Sparta and identified as a memorial statue of Leonidas. 490–480 BC, Sparta A ...
league to which each member was to contribute annually either ships or an amount of money, to be supervised by Athenian official ...
state. At another meeting, petitioners could address the people formally on any subject. The remaining meetings were for other b ...
HISTORY 63 evidence that Athens interfered with the constitutions of member states, favouring more democratic arrangements, so t ...
The Athenian empire, secured by the navy, was centred upon the Aegean and the maritime states of northern and western Greece. Sp ...
aloofness of his bearing and manner, he encouraged and initiated democratic reforms. His power stemmed from his ability to contr ...
66 THE GREEKS Stageira Amphipolis Pelia Thessalonika Aegea or Vergina Larisa Dodona Delphi Corinth Olympia Argos Leuctra Tegea S ...
HISTORY 67 Abdera Byzantium Chalcedon Troy Assos Mitylene Pergamum Smyrna Sardis Ephesus Miletus Halicarnassus Cnidus Rhodes A C ...
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