Yoga and Total Health — June 2017
childhood and adult years. This pattern does not exist as much as it did earlier. The black hole is not so big and deep anymore. ...
our insecurities and has devised different ways of dealing with them. Some blame others, some withdraw, some deny, some rational ...
Learn Karma Yoga in 21 Days Pooja Shah I had recently enrolled as a volunteer for the 21 days Better Living Certificate Course. ...
in my personal and professional life too. It has helped me to do the same boring tasks at home of making vegetables with a cheer ...
Seva or Self-less Service Murari Lal Dhanuka Seva is a Hindi word which means helping others in need without the thought of rece ...
YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • June 2017^2525 The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - A Perspective Samar Chauhan The main practices and techniq ...
Minati Shah “We are not trying to observe or regulate the breath but get into the rhythm so that we can go deep. Just awareness ...
Nothing is higher or greater than God. He is the creator of all. Though we do not see Him, He is there as the material of which ...
Yoga News A. N. Desai The 2nd QCI Certification Committee Meeting was held at The Yoga Institute under the Chairpersonship of Sm ...
A special camp for senior citizens of the Rangoonwala Foundation was held at The Yoga Institute on 19th May, 2017. A number of v ...
(^30) YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • June 2017 Meditation Camp Health Camps Year 2016 JUNE 2017 JULY 2017 17th 15th Cardiac + Hypertens ...
YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • June 2017^31 Upanishads are considered to be the highest form of knowledge within which lie the key to t ...
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