Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson 44 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ media—is neatly lined up in the red or the blue column. Political scientists ...
The Republican Devolution July/August 2019 45 Even that harsh portrait now seems mild, as the ’s voters, activists, and polit ...
Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson 46 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ These norm-exploding stances raise the specter o democratic backsliding o ...
47 such as the National Rie Association and prominent evangelical organiza- tions, promote social conservatism, the main focus ...
Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson 48 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ Norquist explained the math to attend- ees at the Conservative Political Act ...
The Republican Devolution July/August 2019 49 voting, and encouraging aggressive interventions by activist judgesÏthat undermine ...
Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson 50 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ be enhanced. After all, a public sector that lacks the funding and expertise ...
52 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ JULIA AZARI is an Associate Professor and Assistant Chair in the Department of Political Science at Marquette ...
July/August 2019 53 ...
Julia Azari 54 recent years, but according to the Pew Research Center, about one-third o the bills it passed we ...
It’s the Institutions, Stupid July/August 2019 55 the rural plains and the West, and as the civil rights movement took hold, nor ...
Julia Azari 56 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ congressional rules empowered the majority party in the House. Yet the American political system, ...
57 During Obama’s last six years in oce, Congress consumed itsel with budget showdowns and passed little legislation o signi ...
Julia Azari 58 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ almost always applied to black women living in cities.) Finally, as the political scientists Mich ...
It’s the Institutions, Stupid July/August 2019 59 more overtly than ever before. The Trump years have heightened each o these t ...
Julia Azari 60 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ all-consuming. Other reformers have suggested ending the single-member, winner-take-all system o ...
ESSAYS DOUG MILLS / THE NEW YORK TIMES / REDUX Mueller’s report is certainly thorough— but also worryingly incomplete. —Stephen ...
STEPHEN KOTKIN is Founding Co-Director of Princeton University’s Program in History and the Practice of Diplomacy and a Senior F ...
American Hustle July/August 2019 63 500 witnesses, issued some 2,800 subpoenas and some 500 search-and- seizure warrants, indict ...
Stephen Kotkin 64 did not constitute obstruction o justice. Still, Mueller’s accessibly written compendium o s ...
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