Alina Polyakova and Benjamin Haddad 114 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ velop the ability to better defend itsel and pursue common European int ...
Europe Alone July/August 2019 115 recommendations and gives ¥ member states, many o which lack comparable national-level prote ...
Alina Polyakova and Benjamin Haddad 116 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ nuclear deal shows that the continent is able to pursue a foreign policy ...
Europe Alone July/August 2019 117 shortcomings in areas left vulnerable by the United States’ withdrawal from the region since t ...
Alina Polyakova and Benjamin Haddad 118 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ pertise and vast, integrated single market to shape global norms and rul ...
Europe Alone July/August 2019 119 the ¥’s economic policies. The same applies to immigration and asy- lum laws. More robust bor ...
Alina Polyakova and Benjamin Haddad 120 But the Trump administration, with its confrontational stance, has al- r ...
SUSAN LUND is a Partner at McKinsey & Company and a leader of the McKinsey Global Institute. JAMES MANYIKA is a Senior Partn ...
Susan Lund, James Manyika, and Michael Spence 122 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ All these trends play to the strengths o developed countries, ...
The Global Economy’s Next Winners July/August 2019 123 In part, that’s because the global economy is rebalancing as China and ot ...
Susan Lund, James Manyika, and Michael Spence 124 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ Trade is becoming more concentrated in speciÃc regions, partic ...
The Global Economy’s Next Winners July/August 2019 125 factors, such as access to resources, the speed at which Ãrms can get the ...
Susan Lund, James Manyika, and Michael Spence 126 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ For decades, manufacturing Ãrms made physical things. Today, t ...
The Global Economy’s Next Winners July/August 2019 127 nies, such as Adidas, Fast Radius, and Lincoln Electric, have opened U.S. ...
Susan Lund, James Manyika, and Michael Spence 128 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ diculties. Such countries now play important roles in the com ...
The Global Economy’s Next Winners July/August 2019 129 create huge pools o data that their creators can use to oer individu- a ...
Susan Lund, James Manyika, and Michael Spence 130 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ eventually in modern, high-tech factories that can compete wit ...
JUDD DEVERMONT is Director of the Africa Program at the Center for Strategic and Interna- tional Studies. From 2015 to 2018, he ...
Judd Devermont and Jon Temin 132 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ regularly changed hands through coups—87 times between 1950 and 2010, according ...
Africa’s Democratic Moment? July/August 2019 133 Given its diplomatic, military, and economic weight in Africa, the United State ...
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