23 while their own journalists are severely restricted or denied visas and their cable news networks are completely shut out o ...
Larry Diamond 24 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ allocated resources; the initiative is only now gaining momentum under a new secretary o state ...
Democracy Demotion July/August 2019 25 eorts to suppress the vote o racial and ethnic minorities. THE AMERICAN EXAMPLE This is ...
26 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ DANI RODRIK is Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy School of ...
Globalization’s Wrong Turn July/August 2019 27 Politicians and policymakers down- played these problems, denying that the new te ...
Dani Rodrik 28 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ the United Kingdom returned to it in 1925 at its pre-war rate. But the British economy was only a ...
Globalization’s Wrong Turn July/August 2019 29 recipe for less globalization. But during the Bretton Woods era, the global econo ...
Dani Rodrik 30 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ was to encourage exports and attract foreign investment. Do that, and the gains would prove so la ...
31 should work to revive the multilateral trade regime’s legitimacy rather than squelching it. The way to achieve that, however, ...
Dani Rodrik 32 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ tercyclical capital regulation,” that is, restricting capital inÁows when the economy is running ...
Globalization’s Wrong Turn July/August 2019 33 other countries, but the domestic economy in question will pay the bulk o the ec ...
34 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ GILLIAN TETT is U.S. Chair of the Editorial Board and American Editor-at-Large for the Financial Times. the J ...
Gillian Tett 36 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ Consider “Ãnance,” “credit,” and “bank.” Today, those terms are usually associated with abstract ...
Faith-Based Finance July/August 2019 37 would accurately reÁect its underlying risk. And since the risks would be shared, Ãnance ...
Gillian Tett 38 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ sophisticated endeavor, full o cutting- edge computing power and analysis, but it ran on a patt ...
Faith-Based Finance July/August 2019 39 the lack o oversight. (And a few anthropologists, such as Karen Ho, did do studies on W ...
Gillian Tett 40 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ trading desks that compete furiously with one another. Regulators remain frag- mented. Moreover, ...
42 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ JACOB S. HACKER is Director of the Institu- tion for Social and Policy Studies and Stanley B. Resor Professor ...
The Republican Devolution July/August 2019 43 culprit behind the failure o the U.S. political system: the Republican Party. Ove ...
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