Nicholas Eberstadt 156 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ over the coming decades. The United States, in other words, will be- come ever more valua ...
With Great Demographics Comes Great Power July/August 2019 157 the interest o countering China; American leaders should make it ...
ANTONIO WEISS is a Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government. He previou ...
America’s Forgotten Colony July/August 2019 159 output dropped by 14 percent. I Puerto Rico were measured as a country, that de ...
Antonio Weiss and Brad Setser 160 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ whether that’s revising the current commonwealth status, becoming an independe ...
America’s Forgotten Colony July/August 2019 161 ington, despite patchwork reforms, has consistently failed to grant it. The ques ...
Antonio Weiss and Brad Setser 162 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ can residents pay local and U.S. payroll taxes, most do not pay federal income ...
America’s Forgotten Colony July/August 2019 163 a ten-year phaseout ending in 2006), the federal policies that had sup- ported t ...
Antonio Weiss and Brad Setser 164 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ which supplements the income o poor Americans. E¢ beneÃts can be substantia ...
America’s Forgotten Colony July/August 2019 165 to implement austerity measures or punitive labor-market reforms. The economic s ...
Antonio Weiss and Brad Setser 166 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ or change them without Puerto Rico’s consent. A revised arrange- ment would ne ...
America’s Forgotten Colony July/August 2019 167 mine whether Puerto Rican residents would retain their U.S. citizen- ship and th ...
Antonio Weiss and Brad Setser 168 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ U.S. corporate income tax, paying the much lower “global minimum” rate applied ...
REVIEWS & RESPONSES DAVID GRAY / REUTERS China’s Feminist Fight Susan Greenhalgh and Xiying Wang 170 How Should a Liberal Be ...
170 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ SUSAN GREENHALGH is John King and Wilma Cannon Fairbank Research Professor of Chinese Society at Harvard Uni ...
China’s Feminist Fight July/August 2019 171 dren—or perhaps even to rise up collec- tively against the Communist Party’s oppress ...
Susan Greenhalgh and Xiying Wang 172 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ story, it is one committed by the Chinese Communist Party, which cracked do ...
China’s Feminist Fight July/August 2019 173 in victimization. According to her, the women’s early childhood experiences o being ...
Susan Greenhalgh and Xiying Wang 174 μ£¥³¤ ¬μμ¬ in dierent major cities, multiplying their impact. Hong Fincher also relie ...
175 Hong Fincher also fails to recognize the internal diversity and contradictions o a state made up o multiple bureauc- racie ...
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