2019-10-01 Cosmopolitan
This is your skin on hormones Exactly WTF is happening during every stage of your cycle. Nobody: Me: Wa i t, b u t does my skin ...
Follicular phase days^6 through 12 As your ovaries begin prepping an egg for release, your estrogen levels start to creep back u ...
The hacks you haven’t heard, from the makeup artists who invented them. By LAUREN BALSAMO M A S C A R A WORKS TOO “If your brows ...
NEW CLEANSING BALM el^ e^ Discover the 2-in-1 makeup remover and cleanser that WUDQVIRUPVIURPDVROLGEDOPWRDVLON\RLODW\R ...
Sh * t we stole from the beauty closet this month Our editors test every product ever...but these are the ones we’re sneaking ho ...
ey, it’s me, a Scorpio, here to tell you that Scorpio season has arrived—and that we are the BEST sign of the zodiac. Sure, we h ...
SI GN = the oy u ’ on eth RI SI NG SIG N= the you eve ryon esee s Guys, you need to know your Rising and Moon signs Yo ur S un s ...
SCORPIO (10.23–11.21) Yo u (b a re l y ) m a d e i t t h ro u g h September, but the planets a re b r in gin g t o n s o f a c t ...
ou know how the FBI has an entire team dedi- cated to psy- chologically profiling murder- ers? Well maybe they should just use a ...
A sneak peek at how your Halloween’s gonna go Caaareful with that Retrograde. ARIES Don’t be too extra. You want to make people’ ...
GEMINI Work keeps you late, so rush to your Halloween turn-up—the party won’t start till you walk in. CANCER Potential for a Hal ...
Let’s find out which astrology app you actually need (But honestly, get them all?) By SHANNON BARBOUR On a scale of 1 to Virgo, ...
Dear Livid Leo, Before you start blam- ing the Sun, let’s take a few steps back. (Also, breathe.) Improving the Gilmore-level te ...
lust something only older men do? Why is A trend we would all very much like to stop, please and thank you. By TAYLOR ANDREWS or ...
the finish with our finding that 37 per- c e n t o f d u d e s a g e s 18 t o 22 wo n’t g o d ow n on a woman if they “don’t kno ...
49 alike % d It’s like...looking in...a mirror? By TAYLOR ANDREWS ating someone who looks weirdly, sort of, exactly like you is ...
SIGN UP at womenshealthmag.com/newsletter to get your daily dose of wellness and fi tness inspo. BECAUSE WE BELIEVE: SWEAT. CHAN ...
Asking for a friend. By CARINA HSIEH ou’re at brunch with your BFF (the one who overshares and you love her for it) when she men ...
So. In the argument with your bestie, yeah, you probably have the edge (thank you, Dr. Har- manli). But here’s some more news: S ...
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