2019-10-01 Cosmopolitan
Your weekend meltdown, The emo author has a new Hulu show, so it’s of ficiall y t h e p e r f e c t tim e t o h a ve a nic e b o ...
W h a t ’ s t h e d e a l w i t h a l l t h e g i r l / w i f e / w o m a n b o o k s ? H o w t o n a vi g a te t h e n e w e st ...
The woman is wise. The woman has lived, dammit. The woman has stuff to teach you. Let these “Woman” books lead. NEW MUST-READ Th ...
Your questionable character crush is the window to your soul These guys are supposed to be gross...so why are they...hot? iny su ...
NEXT LEADING BRAND LEAKGUARDTM BRAID MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE Bmlmbf^mh]bm\ama^e^Zdl':g]`^m ma^ikhm^\mbhgh_hnkE^Zd@nZ ...
GE TTY IM AG ES . Aka how to wear your swimsuits, cover-ups, and sheer sh*t even when the temp drops. By RACHEL TORGERSON Excuse ...
Tie-dye 4 Mesh Take the see-through stuff you sported all sum- mer back out of storage because, duh, you can wear it under or ov ...
6 Sandals Mm-hmm. You heard right. Pairing your sandals with fun socks gives them a longer life. And you sandals to die, do you? ...
Trying on clothes is about more than mirror selfies. (But actually, those selfies are important, so don’t stop doing those.) By ...
Whether you’re on a Starbucks run or trudging through a pumpkin patch, it’ll hold up through anything— and go with all your ‘fit ...
They are killing the fashion game—and deserve Gigi/Bella-level recognition for it. By LAUREN ADHAV Make these the new It Models, ...
WHO Jillian Mercado, 32 NOTABLE CAMPAIGNS Diesel, Olay WHO Mama Cax, 29 NOTABLE CAMPAIGNS Outdoor Voices, Chromat Her style in J ...
These bbs will convert any naysayer. By LAUREN ADHAV Pretty tights that are actually worth the struggle of putting on LOOK CUTE! ...
©^ P roc ter &^ Gam ble ,^ In c.^2 019 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This p ...
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