New Philosopher – July 2019
NewPhilosopher thatit wouldnotevenbeworthstak- inga betonthisoutcomeevenif the payoff would be huge in the highly unlikelycircum ...
NewPhilosopher O men, when some day you read these words, reflect that you did me wrong and let the unfortunate one comfort hims ...
Thoughts on... death NewPhilosopher “Do not go gentle into that good night.” Dylan Thomas “It is not death that a man should fea ...
NewPhilosopher Thoughts on... death “It is as natural to die as to be born; and to a little infant, perhaps, the one is as painf ...
64 Eternity projects NewPhilosopher Illustration by Aida Novoa and Carlos Egan When the British Museum in London was in the proc ...
NewPhilosopher Eternity projects ...
NewPhilosopher that some neoprene-clad cyborg of the23rdcenturywillonedayreadone ofmybooksandwonderwhatmylife waslike,because,qu ...
NewPhilosopher gleamingchains,insideofa mountain inwesternTexas– symbolisesa reck- oning with our fate-tempting short- comings a ...
12 deaths NewPhilosopher 12 deaths 1768 HakuinEkaku Kiba 1868 MatsuoBasho 1694 Choha 1740 KozanIchikyo 1360 Prince Otsu 686 Empt ...
NewPhilosopher 12 deaths Japanese death poems were often carried around or written as the final moment approached. Yorimasa 1180 ...
NewPhilosopher A leading anatomist and foren- sic anthropologist, Professor Dame SueBlackisPro-Vice-Chancellorfor Engagement at ...
NewPhilosopher The other side of life Illustration by Alvaro Hidalgo ...
NewPhilosopher force. It may well be that it becomes the coroner, or the procurator fiscal if it’s in Scotland. Or it could be t ...
NewPhilosopher the day it has been a particularly har- rowing day, you have someone you can converse with who understands. And t ...
toyouat anage-appropriatelevel.She nevertalkeddowntoyou,shealways talkedwithyou.Andmyfatherwas a tremendous shot, so my job as a ...
NewPhilosopher doing, gave you that moment of draw- ing of breath thinking, “Gosh, this is something I’m never going to experi- ...
NewPhilosopher be quite protracted in others. For ex- ample, in Sierra Leone you go from being a corpse to a skeleton in five to ...
NewPhilosopher think is incredibly healthy and it is more than anything about communication. Not about fo- cusing on the televis ...
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