A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present
daily lives. We are a group dedicated not to givefinal answers to many of these problems, but determined rather to employ what s ...
application of linguistic knowledge. Most of the informants who provide a definition of AL seem to agree with this. Susan Gass, ...
is by not defining it.”Tove Skutnabb-Kangas feels the same. When asked what her definition of AL is she wrote:“I don’t have one, ...
sciences which have become completely detached from the practical concerns that originally motivated most sciences. (467) This i ...
some area(s) outside of linguistics as well to address language-related issues. Alastair Pennycook sees a continued struggle wit ...
processing system”. To Jim Lantolf the whole discussion generated by the Firth and Wagner article was frustrating, because as he ...
Dick Schmidt noticed:“Loss of focus and compartmentalization into sub- disciplines (small communities) with little communication ...
a fee to AILA, and are responsible for thefinancial side. Any profit they make is theirs, but losses have to be covered as well. ...
language is used and functions in all walks of professional, institutional and personal life.” PAUL MEARA: “Those bits of lingui ...
presented that bear on the question of how to define AL. Do the informants see the same individuals as the leaders of thefield, ...
4 The leaders The item in the questionnaire on leaders was:“Who are the most important/ influential leaders in thefield? Why are ...
“who are the influential leaders in the variousfields or subfields of applied linguistics”? Still, most informants mentioned peo ...
argues that having a high profile president may enhance the status of the field even when that person is not the typical applied ...
Then the numbers drop gradually with a long tail of less frequently men- tioned individuals. There are 17 women in the list and ...
working on various topics and have had various momentums, as Lourdes Ortega remarked in her definition of what constitutes a lea ...
teaching. She developed the output-hypothesis as a reaction to Krashen’s input-hypothesis. “She is to be admired for her versati ...
with Michael Long served to define thefield of AL.”“Recently livening things up with her promotion of complexity theory.”“She is ...
essence of the issue and he puts hisfingers on the sour point.”“Very influential through his advisorship withOxford University P ...
“She was influential in the integration of linguistic theory and second lan- guage acquisition.”“In later years, Gass and Mackey ...
possibly been most influential through his role as book editor, which is much underrated. He has also articulated an important p ...
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