The 48 Laws Of Power
4'78 LAW 47 REVE RSAL AsMachiavelli says, either destroy amanorleavehimalone entirely. In- flicting half punishment ormild injur ...
48 ASSUME FORMLESSNESS JUDGMENT Bytaking a shape,byhaving avisible plan,youopen yoursesy" toattack. Instead oftaking a form.fory ...
Inmania]am,itis impormm that .struIi,'g_\' he Awful/zrmuzhle, that form be(’()(1L‘(’(.4[(’([.«ml (hmIflU|’(’I?1<'MI.\‘by (nze ...
artsatanincredible pace. Their society was in constantflux.Andastheir power grew, they cameto pose athreattothedefense-minded Sp ...
Om’sedzwlivr?andulttl mutelyulwu_V.\‘frlllli path hasbeenthe dewelopmemof ]W()f(’f.'< Iivcarmor.An organ- i.\‘r2rcan protecti ...
Yeta pattern did eventuallyemerge inMao‘sattacks.AftertheNation- alistshadtakenthe cities, leaving theCommuniststo occupy whatwa ...
Ciolrudru!Rommel mrpassed Parsonasa (‘rmliveimeliect. ... Roman’!sfmmwdmiii- mrryformalism. 11:: made#10 fixedplans beyond those ...
style, inallthosehuman phenomenarepresenting the moodofthe mo- ment.Weare constantlyaltering theformswehaveinheritedfrom previ- ...
velop the theory behindthiskindof warfare, andto put itinto practice. His ideasinfluenced Mao, whofoundinhis writings an uncanny ...
onesideinsome ideologicalstruggle, sheissaidtobe acting outofemo- tionalattachment.Yetifshe represses heremotionsand plays theau ...
428 LAW 48 For centuriesthe Japanese would accept foreignersgraciously, and ap— pearedsusceptible to foreign culturesandinfluenc ...
We become predictable,always theFirst sign of decrepitude. And pre~ dictability makesus appear comical. Although ridiculeanddisd ...
430 LAW 43 Im age: Mer cury. The wingedmessenger, god of commerce, patron saintof thieves, gamblers, andallthosewhodeceive throu ...
SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Aesop. Fables of Aesop. Translated by S.A.Hanford.NewYork: Penguin Books, 1954. Bloodworth, Dennisand Chin ...
432 BIBLIOGRAPHY Montaigne, Michelde. The CompleteEsrays. Translated by M.A.Screech. NewYork: Penguin Books, 1987. Mrazek, Col. ...
INDEX Italic pagereferences indicate AlexanderIII“the Great,” sidebars. King, 47,182-83, 331-32,355,355, Abraham, 73-74 377-72 a ...
434 I INDEX asking fortoo little, 234 “Assandthe Gardener, The” (Indianfable), 302 associations; inmirrored situations, 390-91 w ...
Book ofGovemmmt orRules firKings, Ihe (al- Mulk), 338-40 Book of the Caurtier, He (Castiglione), 250-51 Baolc ofthe Hzmimm Maste ...
436 INDEX China (cont) Hsiang Yu/Liu Pang struggle in, 108-10 _]apa.n’s invasion ofl14, 112,208-9, 422 KingGoujian in, 168 Kissi ...
Court attentionatallcost (Law6), 44-55 Courtiefs Mirror,378, 388 CM}?qfhwer, T31: (Sin), 207-8,247-48, 2.95 Create compellingspe ...
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