The 48 Laws Of Power
LAW 42 STRIKE THE SHEPHERD AND THE SHEEP WILL SCATTER J UDGMENT Tmublecan often betracedto a single stnmg individ-———z}te s ...
OBSERVANCEOFTHELAWI Nearthe end ofthe sixth century B.C., the city-state ofAthensoverthrew theseriesof petty tyrants whohaddomin ...
cumered troopsof Pizarro ralliedonce‘ moreatthemum! of the trumpe! in the blrizitlysquareof Cajrmxorca. ... /Alalzuzzlpa,’ wasre ...
willwork underground to destroyyou. DoastheAtheniansdid:Banish thembeforeitistoolate. Separate themfromthe group before they be- ...
Tlli. l.l|"l' 1)! l'lll€\.llST()(Ll-ZS I ’l‘h.vnzz'.czm:le:\- Iv] fellow r.itizcnsreachedthe point atwhich their jealousy nzadet ...
ters——t.he person with willpower, or smarts, or, most important of all, charisma.Whateveritcosts you, lurethis personaway, foron ...
364 2 LAW 49 them——you seemlessbrutal.The result, though, isthe same, forinthe game of power, isolation spells death. Themosteff ...
selvesisolatedontheboard‘ They arelike applesfalling into your lap, easily seduced, andableto catapultyou into poweryourself. Fi ...
366 LAW 42 REVERSAL “Any harm you dotoamanshouldbedoneinsucha way that you need notfearhis revenge,” writesMachiavelli. If you a ...
43 VVC)Rl(()D$TT{EZ}IEAURTS 4APJ[)DAIT€I)S C)F CTTIIEI{S jUDGMENT Coercion cmatesa reunion thatwill eventually work againstyou. ...
LYRIS‘x’IllSI: Thinking ofthc means by whichhecould nwsl effmrlively pemmadv thePersians torevolr, /Cyrus’s/ delihcemtionx ledhi ...
purchased underher name, and during the swindlers‘ trialherlavish lifestyle became public: People heardaboutthe money she spent ...
’H||:(1|';.\H.l. Mi‘: ill‘l’|‘.lKhll:\Sll)\ Thenorthwindandthe sunwere di.$‘[)lll£Ng wiricie was the xtrmrger. am! agreed to ack ...
before. Menghuoreplied thathehadnotbeenbeaten fairly, but merely be- trayedby hisown officers; hewould fightagain, but if captur ...
without tax-ting (I dropofit. "For.”.s'ui([he,“ifl (1[(}Il(?.S‘HUu/Jdrink.the restwillbeout of heurr. " The.\'oldier.s'no .mum:r ...
eral’sbeautiful young wife.Thishitthe general inthe gut, andwonhim over.Mao Tse—tungsimilarlyalwaysappealed to popular emotions, ...
3 7'4 LAW 43 strongest motiveofall:A great cause maycapture minds, butoncethefirs: flushofexcitementis over, interestwill flag-- ...
Authority: Thedifiicultiesinthe way of persuasion hein my kn0w— ing theheartofthe persuaded inorder thereby to fit mywording int ...
375 44 DISARM AND INFURIATE WITH THE MIRROREFFECT jUDGMENT Themirror reflectsreality, butitisalxothe perfecttoalfor deception: W ...
MIRROREFFECTS: Preliminary Typology Mirrorshavethe power todisturbus. Gazing atourreflectioninthemir~ rot, wemostoftenseewhatwew ...
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