Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War
248 Wallenstein Wallenstein was also one of the first of a new breed of commander who set out to fight a new kind of war. Henri, ...
But Brutus Says He Was Ambitious 249 Historiography has retained this initial image, but generally without cit- ing any specific ...
250 Wallenstein Wallenstein’s offer to raise his first army is likewise more convincingly explained as a response to the threat ...
But Brutus Says He Was Ambitious 251 for revenge after his Regensburg dismissal, depend essentially on unsup- ported conspiracy ...
252 Wallenstein escape at the siege of Göding in 1623. He was sure that he could do bet- ter, but such self-belief is not the sa ...
But Brutus Says He Was Ambitious 253 and then the Swedes in 1633 was potentially possible, and Wallenstein’s successors did infl ...
254 Chapter 1 Aretin, Urkunden, 63 f. Hallwich (Ende), II, 529, 533, 186 f. Gaedecke, 293 f. Bonney, 20; Diwald, 298; Parker, 9 ...
References 255 Chapter 3 Mann, 133. Mann, 134. Schebek (Wallensteiniana), 258. Hallwich (Fünf Bücher), I, 21. Gindely (Dreißigj ...
256 References Chapter 5 Schiller (Wallenstein), 324. Mann, 94, 95; Diwald, 55. Caspar, XVII, 131f., 144. Text in: Frisch, I, 3 ...
References 257 Gindely (Waldstein), I, 50. Hallwich (Fünf Bücher), I, 183, 173 f. Menˇcik, 17 f., 20; Hallwich (Berufung), 122 ...
258 References Polišenský and Kollmann, 144 f. Schebek (Wallensteinfrage), 64 ff. Diwald, 414 ff.; Mann, 460 ff. Mann, 464, 468 ...
References 259 Gindely (Waldstein), II, 259; Albrecht (Politik), 442, 444; Mann, 597 f. Gindely (Waldstein), II, 270 f., 276 ff ...
260 References Roberts, 138. Mahr (Wallenstein vor Nürnberg), 11 f., plan inside back cover. Mahr (Wallenstein vor Nürnberg), 2 ...
References 261 Seidler (Blutgericht), 16; Förster (Briefe), II, 311. Parker, 131; Wedgwood, 347. Monro, 290; Irmer (Verhandlung ...
262 References Mann, 851 f. Ranke, 524 ff. Mann, 991 ff.; Rudhart, 26; Diwald, 15. Jedin, 342 ff.; Irmer (Verhandlungen), III, ...
References 263 Rudhart, 27; Irmer (Verhandlungen), III, 466; Förster (Briefe), III, 226 f. Förster (Briefe), III, 317; Mailath, ...
264 Bibliography English – Biographies Mann, G., Wallenstein: His Life Narrated by Golo Mann, trans. C. Kessler (London, 1976). ...
Bibliography 265 Baader, J., Wallenstein als Student an der Universität Altdorf (Nuremberg, 1860). Bartel, W., Zur Kritik des Be ...
266 Bibliography Geiger, A., Wallensteins Astrologie: eine kritische Überprüfung der Überlieferung nach dem gegenwärtigen Quelle ...
Bibliography 267 Loewe, V., Die Organisation und Verwaltung der Wallensteinischen Heere (Freiburg, 1895). Lorenz, O., ‘Briefe Wa ...
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