Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War
188 Wallenstein of their allies very carefully. Wallenstein was similarly careful to keep Vienna informed of the discussions, wh ...
Of Peace and Other Demons 189 mounted about lack of progress with either peace or war in Silesia they became more receptive to p ...
190 Wallenstein that an agreement was about to be made on those terms, but he added that there were to be no negotiations with t ...
Of Peace and Other Demons 191 had said, thought that he could count on the support of most of his officers, and he had plans to ...
192 Wallenstein information we have received we perceive that the enemy is not inclined towards peace’. On 21 September Trauttma ...
Of Peace and Other Demons 193 Brandenburg. He also hurried to clear himself with the Swedes, writing to both Oxenstierna and Thu ...
194 Wallenstein comprehensive devastation and decline of the Empire have considered ways and means by which this may be remedied ...
Of Peace and Other Demons 195 of modern printed text, Wallenstein’s proposals a bare half page, of which all the points of subst ...
196 Wallenstein Arnim was equally sincere in seeking peace, but in his case the con- tacts were worthwhile in their own right, b ...
Of Peace and Other Demons 197 during Wallenstein’s ever more frequent indispositions spoke and wrote on his behalf, as he did to ...
198 Wallenstein Swedes and the French all involve Bohemian intermediaries who were themselves the source of most of the survivin ...
199 13. Decline and Fall (Gibbon) As the peace negotiations in Silesia ground on towards their ultimate failure there was still ...
200 Wallenstein against Bernhard. On 16 November he set out towards the Danube, but too late, as Regensburg had already fallen. ...
Decline and Fall 201 Maximilian was furious, the emperor was furious, even Eggenberg, long one of Wallenstein’s principal suppor ...
202 Wallenstein that we have a co-regent on hand, and no longer have free disposition over our own lands’. Against this backgrou ...
Decline and Fall 203 both of whom were in Pilsen at this time, show Wallenstein himself in two minds, alternately talking about ...
204 Wallenstein never did.^10 From late 1633 onwards his references to the subject were no longer confined to private correspond ...
Decline and Fall 205 who should either immediately issue the necessary order to Suys or replace him with another suitably qualif ...
206 Wallenstein enforcement of the Edict of Restitution. Prominent in the second were Cardinal Dietrichstein and Wallenstein’s c ...
Decline and Fall 207 and Bohemia, and then west across Germany, was proposed. Quiroga’s mission was to ask Wallenstein to provid ...
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