Wallenstein. The Enigma of the Thirty Years War
128 Wallenstein Six weeks after the participants had arrived in Regensburg positions were beginning to shift, and the councillor ...
The Wheel Is Come Full Circle 129 the emperor’s message was so politely, guardedly and diplomatically expressed as to require re ...
130 Wallenstein does it square with Questenberg’s own account, but it is interesting as an example of the legends, particularly ...
The Wheel Is Come Full Circle 131 he faced bankruptcy. His letters became increasingly desperate. It was probably coincidence th ...
132 Wallenstein Intermezzo Talk of Wallenstein’s recall began even before the ripples caused by his dismissal had died down. Wit ...
The Wheel Is Come Full Circle 133 dismissal or how relatively easily Ferdinand had been persuaded to let him go.^20 There are mo ...
134 Wallenstein turned on Saxony, where the elector had been building up a significant if raw army of his own in order to be abl ...
The Wheel Is Come Full Circle 135 possibility, while after being at the centre of affairs for so long he could not easily have t ...
136 Wallenstein treated exiles who had been taken prisoner while fighting for the enemy generously. Now, like most contemporarie ...
The Wheel Is Come Full Circle 137 Wallenstein. The king, it may be recalled, had been in touch with the general through Arnim ba ...
138 Wallenstein Wallenstein’s departure, and Tilly’s hungry soldiers were the victims. The truth is that no-one supplied the Imp ...
139 During the sixteen months between Wallenstein’s dismissal and reappointment the wider political situation became increasingl ...
140 Wallenstein soon discovered that Gustavus had no time for neutrals. In June he was coerced by a show of force into a nominal ...
Once More unto the Breach 141 enemy France, and thereby linked to the Swedes, who were in process of invading the Empire. The po ...
142 Wallenstein contributions to support his campaign. Hence he split his forces, send- ing some west to extend his control in n ...
Once More unto the Breach 143 equipping their regiments and companies, advances which they antici- pated recovering with conside ...
144 Wallenstein set them to building their own encampments or digging latrines, and there were chaplains, field surgeons and eve ...
Once More unto the Breach 145 informant claiming inside knowledge swiftly provided Maximilian of Bavaria with a full, lurid and ...
146 Wallenstein Could not someone else have done much the same thing? In 1625 there had been one factor which was unique to Wall ...
Once More unto the Breach 147 of Saxony, but his army was not able to stand its ground at Breitenfeld, even with Swedish support ...
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