Medieval France. An Encyclopedia
chapter house. Most remarkable is the Lanterne des morts, a two-storied cylindrical tower capped by an elaborate tiered cone, at ...
SAUMUR . Until the Revolution, Notre-Dame-de-Nantilly was the only parish in Saumur (Maine- et-Loire). Its name appears for the ...
John Bell Henneman, Jr. [See also: CAS ROYAUX; PRIVATE WAR] Cheyette, Frederic. “The Royal Safeguard in Medieval France.” Studia ...
SCHISM, GREAT . Between 1378 and 1417, western Christendom experienced almost four decades in which there were two, and then thr ...
Berry and Burgundy, the University of Paris (led by Jean Gerson and Pierre d’Ailly), and the French clergy (influenced by Simon ...
Crowder, C.M.D. Unity, Heresy and Reform, 1378–1460: The Conciliar Response to the Great Schism. New York: St. Martin, 1977. Oak ...
even then a truism, that the scholars of his day were like dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants: they saw farther than the ...
responsible for redefining the objectives of higher education to include the extension as well as the transmission of knowledge. ...
masters of more than regional importance. Chartres, Anjou, Liège, Laon, and Paris all had their moments of importance at differe ...
study with several masters at once instead of being limited to the resources of a cathedral school. Although both Thierry of Cha ...
us of his education at Wearmouth-Jarrow, and famous schools existed at York, Canterbury, and Irish centers. The Carolingian revi ...
Leclercq, Jean. The Love of Learning and the Desire for God, trans. Catherine Misrahi. New York: Fordham University Press, 1974. ...
Aristotle’s physical treatises. Arguments on behalf of a rotating earth were known to the Medievals (e.g., Ptolemy himself, Jean ...
optics required the mathematics of lines, figures, and angles. Grosseteste was, thus, one of the first to link mathematics direc ...
with questions about how you are coming and when will you be finished, and if you take too long they will regard your work as tr ...
improved diet as the first phase of therapy. Next, softening salves or plasters were applied; a “French remedy” was cited by the ...
iconography foster a symbology of power, articulating and probably authenticating the organizing principles of French medieval s ...
Jeanne of Navarre, queen of Philip the Fair (1300). Standing queen under canopy, with regalia and coats of arms (France and Nava ...
Simon de Montfort (1211). Hunting equestrian, Photograph courtesy of Archives Nationales, Paris. Humbert II, dauphin of Viennois ...
Peter Lombard, bishop of Paris (1159). Standing bishop investments. Photograph courtesy of Archives Nationales, Paris. Chapter o ...
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