Medieval France. An Encyclopedia
Saint-Denis, abbey church, chevet. Photography by J.Herschman. Saint-Denis, abbey church, nave. Photograph: Clarence Ward, Colle ...
The architectural additions of Abbot Suger include a westwork three bays wide and two deep, as well as the four bays necessary t ...
with this prestigious foundation, just as recent excavations have revealed other churches on the abbey site. William W.Clark [Se ...
traditions, from Ovid and Jean de Meun to Boccaccio and Charles d’Orléans, including contemporary history and autobiographical e ...
passages of a large room with three arcades surmounted by an unusual clerestory. Originally a rectangular room, the nave was sub ...
figural proportions reflect lack of sculptural expertise. Although the lintel was incorporated in a 12th-century remodeling of t ...
axial radiating chapel was clearly patterned after the upper chapel of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris. William W.Clark Saint-Germe ...
Toulouse and the Rouergue from the count of Auvergne in 885 and established the dynasty, dividing the two counties between his s ...
distinguished by an aristocratic outlook opposed to the emergence of the enterprising bourgeoisie. Élie, a true adventure romanc ...
Saint-Gilles-du-Gard (Gard), west façade. Photograph courtesy of Whitney S.Stoddard. end this heretical movement; St. Bernard sp ...
The crypt of Saint-Gilles, begun in 1116, was constructed to protect the tomb of St. Gilles and to facilitate access for pilgrim ...
Lugand, Jacques. Languedoc roman: le Languedoc méditerranéen. La Pierre-qui-vire: Zodiaque, 1985. SAINT-JOUIN-DE-MARNES . Saint- ...
Koster, Kurt. Pilgerzeichen und Pilgermuscheln von mittelalterlichen Santiagostrassen: Saint Léonard, Rocamadour, Saint-Gilles, ...
Saint-Leu-d’Esserant (Oise), mid-12th- century façade. Photograph courtesy of Whitney S.Stoddard. story axial radiating chapel. ...
SAINT-LOUP-DE-NAUD . The village of Saint-Loup-de-Naud (Seine-et-Marne) stands on a ridge not far from the fortified medieval to ...
SAINT-MICHEL-DE-CUXA . The present church of the Benedictine abbey of Saint-Michel-de-Cuxa (Pyrénées- Orientales), founded in 87 ...
crossing tower (copied from Saint-Saturnin). The celebrated historiated capitals are the most important in the Auvergne. Treasur ...
Artois through marriage, and Saint-Omer enjoyed another period of prosperity, in spite of the decline in the cloth industry, as ...
Gothic of the 15th century. It was sold to speculators in 1799, and all that remains are the ruins of the west façade and tower, ...
The present Gothic church was begun in the second half of the 13th century but completed and rebuilt in the Saint-Riquier at Cen ...
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