The Bulgars and the Steppe Empire in the Early Middle Ages
66 chapter one who spent the period between 575 and 585 A.D. at the court of these khagans. Compared to Buddhism, the other grea ...
the ‘outside’ other 67 Christian religion, but also translated the Gospels into their language. He stayed there for fourteen yea ...
68 chapter one the region to the north of the Caucasus and the Crimea was registered in the early decades of the 1st millennium ...
the ‘outside’ other 69 the common people in Khazaria.^204 In relation to this, we have to pay attention to the following fact: t ...
70 chapter one Th is source, dated aft er the establishment of Judaism as a state religion in the Khazar khaganate, leaves no do ...
the ‘outside’ other 71 rulers of the weakened Chinese state aimed at imposing some ideas of the Uighur court concerning religiou ...
72 chapter one mission and its members began to establish their rules: to eat fruit and drink water and kumis. However, due to a ...
the ‘outside’ other 73 still a topic of discussion. D. Tikhonov claims that Manichaeism “did not touch the nomadic periphery” re ...
74 chapter one there attended the mosques, on Sundays—the synagogues, and on Sat- urdays—the churches.^225 However, there were c ...
the ‘outside’ other 75 ever, in the early medieval period, at least by the tenth century, Islam still had not achieved considera ...
76 chapter one that gives reason to believe that there were serious relations between the Nestorian church and the local aristoc ...
the ‘outside’ other 77 and Syrian-Turkic epitaphs. Th ey were found on the territories of the Nestorians in the northern parts o ...
78 chapter one did many good services to the Christians and the Christians have forgot- ten about them; but the Lord sees.^246 T ...
the ‘outside’ other 79 the captives”), by the so-called Successor of Th eophanes/Th eophanes Continuatus (he ascribed the return ...
80 chapter one the probable answers, at least) can be found only if we study in general the problem of Christianity in Bulgaria ...
the ‘outside’ other 81 of the Bulgar goals and ambitions.^256 So, in this case, the foreign (con- struction techniques, writing, ...
82 chapter one southern, western and northwestern direction that turned the Bulgars into masters of almost the entire Byzantine ...
the ‘outside’ other 83 dates in the Turkic text of the same monument (Kül-tegin’s death, the funerary ritual, and the inaugurati ...
84 chapter one general, art styles, fashion, etc.^265 (i.e. all things that are also signs of otherness and go together with the ...
CHAPTER TWO THE ‘INSIDE’ OTHER In every society there are groups which could be viewed as united by different characteristics, f ...
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