Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais
32 EARLY CHOSON DYNASTY The trade with Japan consisted primarily of imports of Japanese silver, cop- per, tin, sulphur, swords, ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 33 to supporters to retain their loyalty. Another method used to confer prestigious titles without overload ...
34 EARLY CHOSON DYN ASTY Survival afthe Yangban One of the primary objectives of the Neo-Confucian reformers, to destroy hered- ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 35 (even without office, san 'gwan), and academic degrees including the chinsa and saengwon licentiate degr ...
36 EARLY CHOSON DYNASTY been changed from ascription to achievement because the main, if not sole, cri- terion for social advanc ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 37 China. Han Yang'u attempted to refute this assertion by arguing that Yang was only expressing an ideal c ...
38 EARLY CHOSON DYNASTY or sons of yangban or sajok by slave concubines to be admitted to membership in the Poch'unggun unit of ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 39 able to maintain success in the examinations for more than three consecutive generationsY Ho's view of r ...
40 EARLY CHOSON DYNASTY the examinations was not sufficient proof of his generalization. He argued that three of the nonyangban ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 41 tors. Birth into a yangban family still guaranteed major advantages from that family's position, wealth, ...
42 EARLY CHOSON DYNASTY verted into ordinary taxable land. The taxpayer, who was the legal owner of his land, referred to most f ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 43 ans during the Koryo-Choson transition period spoke of their refonned land sys- tem as if it were equiva ...
44 EARLY CHOSON DYNASTY by the burning of their sajon prebend certificates in 1390, in 1391 King Kongyang allocated a minimal pr ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 45 land allotments for everyone it consisted of a grant of one kyong (roo myo) of land for each adult male ...
46 EARLY CHOSON DYN ASTY but that their ownership rights were still "immature" and had to undergo a mat- uration process to crea ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 47 cavalry, and marines, provided elements that were worthy of emulation. Chong advised that the capital gu ...
48 EARLY CHOSON DYNASTY and foreign traveling envoys on their way to and from the capital, and govern- ment officials on their w ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 49 The Tribute Tax and Lahor Service When the Choson dynasty was first established, peasant households had ...
50 EARLY CHOSON DYNASTY hold tribute rate could be far heavier in one district than another, and the only recourse the peasants ...
CONFUCIAN STATECRAFT 51 development reflected a devolution from earlier periods in Korean history in which the circulation of cu ...
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