Dungeons were all the rage back in the olden days. Subterranean torture chambers were to medieval England what en suite bathroom ...
Things have gone batshit crazy on the streets outside OXM Towers. People are running everywhere and it’s all we can do to barric ...
In a massive preview special, OXM rounds up its most anticipated games coming to the Xbox in 2019 CHRIS BURKE / DAVE MEIKLEHAM / ...
he team at Id did something few studios have managed in recent years. They took an old, beloved franchise, and they reimagined i ...
but no, they’re not still in there – which is always a great excuse for guilt-free violence in our book. Environments are beauti ...
Remedy’s games have always had great voice-acting andControlfeatures the voice of Alan Wake, Matthew Porretta, as well as Max Pa ...
iven that this is the latest game from Dark Souls creators From Software, if ‘Shadows Die Twice’, it’s quite likely that you’ll ...
ABOVE Mila and Tina fight it out in The Muscle, a WWE-style wrestling ring. ETA1 MARCHPUBLISHERKOEI TECMODEVELOPERTEAM NINJA CLA ...
enemies in large open spaces filled with waist-high blocks of ice. Gears 4 didn’t try to reinvent the franchise, preferring to a ...
Coalition’s Rod Fergusson explained more about the studio’s choice of Kait as main protagonist. “When we looked at the story for ...
ABOVEWe love the slightly mutated wildlife roaming around. This is exactly what we want fromFar Cry! layers ofThe Division 2’s c ...
onsidering Mass Effect: Andromeda was roughly as popular as a vegan restaurant that serves panda burgers, BioWare really needs a ...
ABOVE The roofs of an entire city will be your parkour playground. RIGHT “What are you lot hanging around for?” ETATBC 2019PUBLI ...
ABOVEThere are many unspeakable things in the water. In fact, most of them neversayaword. he post-apocalyptic survival shooter s ...
e’re big fans of Obsidian’s work over the years. The RPG specialists have brought usStar Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II,So ...
ABOVE The world is expanded, and has more diversity this time around, and there are fights in every corner of the world. ETA14 M ...
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