The Malay Archipelago, Volume 1 _ The Land - Alfred Russel Wallace
Insects furnish us with similar facts wherever sufficient data are to be had, but owing to the abundan ...
Borneo .. . .. 29 species Sumatra.. . .. 21 do. 20 species common ...
in Borneo and Sumatra, while the Javanese species occurs in Burma and even in Bengal. Among birds, the small ...
CHAPTER X. BALI AND LOMBOCK. (JUNE, JULY, 1856.) THE islands of Bali and Lombock, situated at the eastern end ...
During the two days that we remained here, I walked out into the surrounding country to catch insects, ...
Leaving Bileling, a pleasant sail of two days brought us to Ampanam in the island of Lombock, where I ...
The next day I went to see Mr. S., another merchant to whom I had brought letters of introduction, and who ...
grubs of the palm-beetles (Calandra) are regularly brought to market in bamboos and sold for food; and many ...
often six feet high and twelve feet across, in the middle of which they bury their eggs. The natives ca ...
carpeted at this season with dead leaves. They were so shy that it was very difficult to get a sho ...
properties. One in particular with a smooth shining skin of a golden orange colour rivals in appearance the g ...
other vermin, calling for special cautions and constant supervision, which under the circumstances above descri ...
strange in this country—the scarcity of ghosts." "How so?" asked Manuel. "Why, you know," said the ...
rumbling noise, and at the same time the house shook slightly. Thinking it might be thunder, I asked, ...
CHAPTER XI. LOMBOCK: MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE PEOPLE. HAVING made a very fine and interesting collection of ...
country have been so skillfully terraced and levelled, and so permeated by artificial channels, that ...
At length, about an hour after noon, we reached our destination—the village of Coupang, situated nearly in ...
and that we had no sinister intentions whatever; and that we had not brought a letter from the "Anak A ...
horse back, and looked aghast at our preparations. "Where is the Pumbuckle?" we asked. "Gone to the Rajah's," ...
sticks tied across the top with rattans. The bottom of the pole has an iron ring, and a hole in which ...
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