Everything Science Grade 12
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.2 Exercise 6 - 1 A cricketer hits a cricket ball straight up into the air. The cricket bal ...
6.2 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS Graphs of Vertical Projectile Motion ESCDA Vertical projectile motion is the same as moti ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.2 We are required to drawgraphs of: Δx vs. t v vs. t a vs. t Step 2 : Determine how to app ...
6.2 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS t = 0, 5 s Δx = 1, 225 m Step 4 : Find the height and thetime taken for the second motion ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.2 x [m] t [s] 0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 0 20 21,2 Step 6 : Graph of velocity vs. time The ball ...
6.2 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS t(s) a( m· s−^2 ) 2 , 58 − 9 , 8 Example 4: Analysing Graphs of Projectile Motion QUESTIO ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.2 time (s) Position (m) 0,2 0,4? 1 2 3 4 5 SOLUTION Step 1 : Find the height of the window. ...
6.2 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS Step 4 : Find the maximum height (Δx) of the ball. To find the maximum height we look at ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.2 Example 5: Describing Projectile Motion QUESTION A cricketer hits a cricketball from the ...
6.2 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS If we assume that the ball is hit straight up in theair (and we take upwards as positive) ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.2 � -9,8 2 4 time (s) acceleration (m ·s − 2 ) � � Exercise 6 - 2 Amanda throws a tennisba ...
6.3 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.3 Conservation of Momentum in Two Dimensions ESCDB We have seen in Grade11 that the mom ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.3 x-component of momentum: pi 1 x = m 1 vi 1 x= m 1 vi 1 cos θ 1 pi 2 x = m 2 ui 2 x= m 2 v ...
6.3 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS Example 6: 2D Conservation of Momentum QUESTION In a rugby game, Player 1 is running with ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.3 For Player 2: pix 2 = m 2 vi 2 x= 90× 8 × sin 60◦ piy 2 = m 2 vi 2 y= 90× 8 × cos 60◦ Ste ...
6.3 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS Calculate the angle θ to find the direction of Player 1’s final veloc- ity: sin θ = vfy 1 ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.3 Step 2 : Use conservation of momentum to solve the problem. First find the initial total ...
6.4 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS Step 5 : Using the x and y components, calculatethe final total v Use Pythagoras’s theore ...
CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 6.4 Elastic Collisions ESCDD DEFINITION: Elastic Collisions An elastic collision is acollisio ...
6.4 CHAPTER 6. MOTIONIN TWO DIMENSIONS 1 pf 1 , KEf 1 2 pf 2 , KEf 2 Figure 6.6: Two balls after they collide. Ball 1 now has a ...
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