Lost Mine of Phandelver
Ogresare lazy,angry,ten-foot-tall giantsthatliveby raiding andscavenging. ORC Mediumhumanoid (ore),chaoticevil ArmorClass 13 (hi ...
SKELETON Mediumundead, lawfulevil Armor Class 13 (armor scraps) Hit Points 13 (2d8+ 4) Speed 30 ft. STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON ...
the target dies. A creature, including the target, canuseits action to detach the stirge. A stirgeis a winged pestthatfeedson th ...
AdventurePlaytesters AaronWampler, Alexander Mihalas, Ali Ryder,Andre Begin,Andrew Balenko, AngiLindsay, BillBenham, Brandyn Whi ...
INTRODUCTION Runningthe Adventure Background Overview AdventureHook TheForgottenRealms PART 1: GOBLIN ARROWS GoblinAmbush T ...
INTRODUCTION Thisbookis written for the DungeonMaster. It contains a complete DUNGEONS& DRAGONSadventure, as well as descrip ...
tell the playerwhathappens. Likewise, if there'sno way anyone could accomplish the task,justtell the playerit doesn't work. Othe ...
of miscreants led by a mysteriousfigurecalled Glasstaff. A number of interesting NPCs canalsobe foundin Phandalin, layingthe hoo ...
PART 1: GOBLIN ARROWS Theadventurebeginsas the playercharacters are escortinga wagonfull of provisionsand suppliesfrom Neverwint ...
Reviewthe goblin statblockin appendix B. Sincethe goblins are hiding,you'llneed to knowtheirStealth skill modifier: +6. Check t ...
GENERAL FEATURES --------------------------- TheCragmaw caveslopes steeply upward. Theentrance is at the footof a good-sized hil ...
the openingabove.A character attempting to ascend or descend the chimney shaftmust makea DC10 Strength (Athletics) check. If the ...
Anycharacter whocansee the bridge in area 5 mightalso notice the goblinguarding the bridge. Doing so requires a Wisdom (Percepti ...
If the characters refuse to parley,YeemikshovesSildar overthe edgeandcontinues withthe fight.Sildartakes Id6bludgeoning damage f ...
~---------------------------------------------------------------- ------- RockDams.Thegoblins builtsimple dams to control the fl ...
PART 2: PHANDALIN Thefrontier townof Phandalin is builton the ruinsof a much oldersettlement. Hundreds of yearsago,the old Phand ...
Redbrand Ruffians. Sooner or later,the adventurers run intothe thugs who runPhandalin. All youneed to do is choosewhen the ruffi ...
to Trilena andthe othertownsfolk, the Redbrandstook Thel's wifeandchildren to theirsecret hideout.) Pip,Toblen'syoungson:"Qelli ...
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