Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Rule Book
Life on the Fringe: Given their linguistic talents, nat- ural cunning, and social aptitude, Twi'leks fit well into managerial, p ...
Basic, though most Wookiees have no problem com- prehending them. Life on the Fringe: A free Wookiee in the Impe- rial era is us ...
WHICH ROLE? When gathering at the table to start a new cam- paign, one of the first questions that each person must answer for h ...
WHAT'S THE STORY? The kind of story a player wants to tell goes hand- in-hand with his character's role. This includes ev- eryth ...
xl/HVT SOLGCAxl/V HLKAJ/VT7 T he Bounty Hunter's eight career skills are Athlet- ics, Brawl, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), P ...
contract to' the Imperial Security Bureau (or a similar arm of Imperial law), and they never take assignments from corporations, ...
Harkening back to the ancient practices of true wilder- ness hunters, the Survivalist gains Knowledge (Xenolo- gy), Perception, ...
Bounty Hunter: Assassin Talent Tree Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged ...
Bounty Hunter: Gadgeteer Talent Tree Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged ...
Bounty Hunter: Survivalist Talent Tree Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Perception, Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Rang ...
Jf ™B @®[ys)CDD0if Tor the Colonist, the eight defining career skills are Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge ...
Of course, some Colonists fail in their pursuits, and run afoul of the law or their fellows. These Colonists are forced to flee ...
THE COLONY T he Outer Rim is dotted with colonies large and small, each with its own character. Some are small farming communiti ...
Colonist: Doctor Talent Tree Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds], Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), ...
Colonist: Politico Talent Tree Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore) ...
Colonist: Scholar Talent Tree Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), ...
•DTJ3B K3?Dd®[TiB51 xi/Hvr VTAaNjo7vr7 T he Explorer's eight career skills are Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (O ...
AN EXPLORER'S ROLE The Empire is vast, but it is a mere fraction of the gal- axy, and the Explorer seeks to uncover the countles ...
TRADER-DISCOVERING NEW MARKETS UNKNOWN STARS T here are. by most estimations, about 400 bil- lion stars in the galaxy. Only a ti ...
Explorer: Fringer Talent Tree Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge (Lorel, Knowledge (Outer Rim), Knowledge (Xenology), P ...
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