Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9
mu Co n cep t Byt e Use W ith Lesson 2-1 Modeling One-Step Equations © Common Core State Standards Prepares fo r A-REI.A.1 Expla ...
Getting Ready! Th e diagram shows t h e amount o f money t h at each p layer st ar t s wit h in a video game. To be f a i r , ea ...
T o s o lv e a n e q u a t io n , y o u m u s t isolate t h e v a r ia b le. Y o u d o t h is b y g e t t in g th e v a r ia b l ...
You can use the M ultiplication and D ivision Properties o f Equality to solve equations. Division is the inverse of multiplicat ...
Tm nki^^ Why multiply by the reciprocal? You want the coefficient of m to be 1. The product of a number and its reciprocal is 1, ...
& Lesso n Ch eck Do y o u k n o w H OW? Solve each equation. Check your answer. x + 7 = 3 9 = m - 4 5y = 24 Books You have ...
Apply @ 52. Writing If a one-step equ atio n includes addition, should you expect to solve it by using addition? W hy or why not ...
“OO Typography A po in t is a u n it of length th a t can be u sed to m easure th e distance betw een two lines of text. Font s ...
Objective To solve tw o-step equations in one variable To get s ta rte d , think about the simpler case in which you have ju st ...
Think What operations are used in th e equation? The e q u a tio n uses multiplication and a d d itio n. You can undo the additi ...
What operation should you perform first? Multiplication. When you multiply by the denominator of the fraction in the equation, y ...
Lesso n Ch eck Do y o u k n o w H OW? Solve each equation. Check your answer. 1.5*+12 = - 1 3 2. 6 = y - 3 y — i-^ = -2 4. -* - ...
Q Apply r Solve each equation. Check your answer. 38.^2 + y 41-2 2C 44.^ = 5± -1 2 39. -2 4 = -101+3 42 x ~ 3 = — 4 I 3 2 2.4 ...
Earth Science The air tem p eratu re b e n e a th Earth's surface increases by ab o u t 10°C p er kilometer. The surface tem p ...
Getting Ready! Try some numbers to help you construct a p attern fo r this problem. You a re buying movie tic k e ts online fo r ...
How can a model help you w rite the equation? The model shows th a t the cost o f the niece's items plus the cost o f the nephew ...
How can you make the equation easier to solve? Remove the grouping symbols by using the Distributive Property. Solving an Equati ...
Got It? 4. W hat is th e solution of each equation? Why did you choose th e m eth o d you u sed to solve each equation? _ , 3b _ ...
Pr act i ce an d Pr o b l em - So l v i n g Ex er ci ses (^ pr actTces Practice Solve each equation. Check your answer. ^ See Pr ...
0 5 4 , T h in k A b o u t a Plan Jillian an d Tyson are shopping for knitting supplies. Jillian w ants 3 balls of yarn an d 1 s ...
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