Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9
@ Choose a Method Choose paper and pencil, mental math, or a calculator to tell which measurement is greater. 640 ft; 0.5 m i 3 ...
0 42. Reasoning A traveler changed $300 to euros for a trip to Germ any, b u t th e trip was canceled. Three m o n th s later, t ...
Co n c e p t By t e U n i t A n a l y s i s Use W ith Lesson 2-6 Common Core State Standards N-Q.A.1 Use units as a way to under ...
Will th e inform ation you n e e d to find have units of m easure? If so, w hat do you th in k those u n its will be? Step 2 Fo ...
Objective To solve an d apply p roportions Getting Ready! You've used ratios to compare. This problem involves equal ra tio s. M ...
G o t It? 1. W hat is th e solution of the p ro p o rtio n f In th e p ro p o rtio n f = j , th e p ro d u cts ad a n d be are c ...
H o w is this p ro p o rtio n different from others you've seen? This p ro p o rtio n looks more complex, but the Cross Products ...
Lesso n Ch eck Do y o u k n o w H OW? Solve each proportion. 1. 3. b = 4 6 5 w + 3 15 x w 2 x + 1 Music A b a n d w en t to a r ...
Q Apply 37. Statistics Approxim ately 3 p eople out of every 30 are left-handed. A bout how m any left-handed people w ould you ...
Challenge Solve each proportion. Ay- 3 4 55.y2 + 1 y 56.w22w + 2^ + 3 w 2 57. 5x xJ + 5 x2-7 Parade Floats A group of high scho ...
Proportions and Similar Figures Common Core State Standards A-CED.A.1 Create equations... in one variable and use them to solve ...
Multiple Choice In the diagram, A ABC ~ A DEF. What is DEI (2 A 7.5 CIA 9-5 CCA 21.3 dA 24 The length of AB, which The length o ...
G ot It? 2. A m an w ho is 6 ft tall is standing next to a flagpole. The shadow of th e m an is 3.5 ft an d the shadow of th e f ...
Problem 4 Using Scale Models Science A giant model heart is shown below. The heart is the ideal size for a person who is 170 ft ...
MATHEMATICAL nIJP' Practice and Problem-Solving Exercises PRACTICES Practice The figures in each pair are similar. Identify the ...
Apply Architecture An architect is using the blueprint below to remodel a laundry room. The side length of each grid square repr ...
0 Challenge 29. Carpentry A c a rp en ter is building a tabletop from a sketch. The sketch shows a parallelogram w ith side leng ...
•fjscommended VHamin^. 1 -------£__i__Ihiam : 7 \ * S * 5 \yemales 75 15 6 S 15 ^IJ1 mg per day) Make sense ofthe problem first. ...
Thin k s— How can a model help you visualize the proportion? Use a m odel like the one b e lo w t o visualize any p e rcent p ro ...
How can a model help you visualize finding a p a rt o r base? Use th e m odel b e lo w to help you visualize finding the part in ...
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