Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
told you something someone else had shared with me in confidence. “I really shouldn't tell you this,” I m ...
“That was unkind of me.” “I showed you no respect.” “I gave you no dignity, and I'm deeply sorry.” “I embarrass ...
“Because you did the same thing last week,” he replied. In other words, he was saying. “Dad, you're overd ...
hoping that the son would change his mind. The subtle message being communicated was one of conditional love. Th ...
of character -- more humility, courage, and strength -- to rebuild that one relationship than it ...
Creating the unity necessary to run an effective business or a family or a marriage requires great pe ...
interdependence. We can also see how powerfully scripted we are in other patterns of thought a ...
wanted his people to work together, to share ideas, to all benefit from the effort. But he was setting ...
credentials, possessions, or personality to get their way. Most people have been deeply scripted in the ...
life is a big game, a zero sum game where some win and some lose. “Winning” is “beating” in the at ...
unexpressed feelings never die; they're buried alive and come forth in uglier ways. Psychosomatic ...
mentality don't necessarily want someone else to lose. That's irrelevant. What matters is that they get wha ...
fulfilling the contract? I may not feel as anxious to please you. I may carry battle scars with me into ...
suppressed feelings, the trampled values, the resentment that seethed under the surface of the relationship, we ...
mess on my hands. My people are all saying that they can't go through this and I really feel I just ...
whether or not they could agree, there would be no emotional strings. The Win-Win or No Deal approach is ...
The following diagram shows how these five dimensions relate to each other. Now let's consider each of t ...
to achieve that balance between courage and consideration, is the essence of real maturity and is fundamental to win ...
to clone them, and they surround themselves with “yes” people -- people who won't challenge them, peop ...
But if our Emotional Bank Account is high, credibility is no longer an issue. Enough deposits have been m ...
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