A Handbook of Native American Herbs PDF EBook Download-FREE
WHITE POND LILY Nymphaea odorata COMMON NAMES: Water nymph, water cabbage, sweet scented pond lily, co ...
Nymphaea alba and Nymphaea candida. They are slightly different but used the same way medically. In s ...
WILD CARROT Daucus carota COMMON NAMES: Bird’s nest, Queen Anne’s lace, devil’s plague. FEATURES: Daucus, from t ...
DOSE: Infusion of seeds, herb, or both, 1 teaspoonful to 1 pint of boiling water, steeped 30 minutes, ...
WILD YAM Dioscorea villosa COMMON NAMES: Colic root, China root, rheumatism root. FEATURES: Yam is the common n ...
day. Herbalists of the past and present combine the root in many formulas for a variety of ailments. It stim ...
WILLOW, BLACK Salix nigra COMMON NAMES: Pussywillow, catkin willow. FEATURES: Willow of the family Salicaceae and ...
prostration. Add ½ grain goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) when the heart as well as the nervous system needs ...
WINTERGREEN Gaultheria procumbens COMMON NAMES: Teaberry, boxberry, checkerberry. FEATURES: Wintergreen is a name ...
shoulders and neck are also rheumatic, squeeze the simmered bag over this area. If you feel drowsy, too ...
WITCH HAZEL Hamamelis virginiana COMMON NAMES: Spotted adler, snapping hazel nut, winter bloom. FEATURES: Wit ...
prepared) for abortion (threatened), ankles (weak), black eye, bruises, burns, cancer, chilblains, ...
WORMSEED Cheno podium ambrosioides var. anthelmintium COMMON NAMES: American wormseed, Jerusalem oak, cheno ...
ambrosioides, are cultivated. Russian literature attests to the properties of healing as well as its being a prophy ...
WORMWOOD Artemisia absinthium COMMON NAMES: Absinth, ajenjo, old woman. FEATURES: Wormwood is native to Eurasia a ...
according to age and condition; of the powder, 3–4 grains twice a day. EXTERNALLY: The oil of wormwood is an eff ...
YARROW Achillea millefolium FEATURES: A perennial plant of the composite family (Compositae), yarrow inhabits ...
(whites). An internal decoction of yarrow boiled with white wine is used to stop the running of the ...
YELLOW DOCK Rumex crispus COMMON NAMES: Curled dock, narrow dock, sour dock, rumex, garden patience. FEATURES ...
syrup may be made by boiling ½ pound of the crushed root in 1 pint of syrup; taken in teaspoonful dose ...
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