101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens
happy with. They didn’t show off about how much money they had, they didn’t show off at all. No- body had enemies because everyo ...
ment I think of my mum! Thoughts, memories, disasters. It all floats up above in my head. I feel as if I’m locked in a cage and ...
the track and shooting on the court. There I go again, getting my hopes up. Aunt Sue keeps telling me to try a bit harder than I ...
to my secret hiding spot near the creek and cried. This happens every day. I’m always picked on. I wish I could lock myself away ...
“Thanks.” After school, when I was collecting my pencil case and books, I overheard Ashleigh talking to some other kids. “I was ...
John hadn’t cooked her a meal for 3 years and she had to look after herself. She cooked her own food, washed her clothes, and di ...
STORY 96 MY LIFE (contributed by Nathaniel Watts) Therapeutic Characteristics Problems Addressed ■ Death of a parent ■ Grief ■ S ...
“No, Dad’s dead,” we said in pain. All of a sudden he lost his strength and sat down. A couple of days later we went to see Dad’ ...
stairs. I went into the kitchen and saw my father pushing my mum around the kitchen. He pushed her once too many times and pushe ...
Outcomes Offered ■ A future-orientation ■ Optimism ■ Hope Nobody cares. No one, not even Mum. My dad left us when I was young. I ...
is so, the question then becomes how the therapist can join the child’s metaphor to build resources and offer out- comes that wi ...
friend – it may be helpful to assist the child to explore possible ways for coping through presuppositional questions such as th ...
That’s when the idea hit me. After all of my classes for the week I ran to the four-story library. I looked all weekend. Just be ...
PART THREE Creating Your Own Healing Stories for Kids ...
I t is my hope that the stories in Part Two illustrate a variety of styles of storytelling, and origins of material for therapeu ...
of what is wrong with him or her does not necessarily give the child the skills to change and, cer- tainly, does not enhance his ...
basics of the language, exchange simple greetings, and pick up courtesies, like “thank you.” Though I may be a long way from bei ...
■ build anticipation for what may follow, ■ avoid an up-front confrontation with the potentially stressing issue, ■ intrigue the ...
tends to be more concrete than in adolescence or adulthood, it helps to make the stories more con- crete and more identifiable f ...
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