Ghosts of Saltmarsh
STORM GIANT QUINTESSENT Some storm giants approaching the end of their natural life spans seek an escape from death. They plumb ...
KRAKEN's GRAVE When krakens die, their bodies often rot on the seaftoor. lo such cases. the ground absorbs the decaying kraken·s ...
THOUSAND TEETH THE DEVOURER Thousand Teeth is an ancient crocodilian nightmare that has served as the apex predator in the swamp ...
NAVIGATING SANDBARS Sandbars make dangerous obstacles for vessels. par- ticularly at high tide when they are less noticeable. Th ...
a d4 on the Whirlpool Rank table. The captain. first mate, bosun. and quartermaster each make an ability check, as shown on the ...
OPE N WATER ENCOUNTERS ( LEV ELS 5-10) dlOO 01-03 04-07 08 -11 12 - 17 1 8-25 26 - 30 31-3 5 36-38 39- 40 41 42-4 5 46 - 47 48 - ...
CREW Unless you decide othe rwise, each s hip encountered on the sea has its full c rew and enough food and warer ro s us tain t ...
210 GHOST Ghost ships are incorporeal vessels that carry undead crews. The crews often died in a grisly manner and have unfinish ...
SHIP DISPOSITION d10 Disposition l Diseased 2 Emergency 3 Help with purpose 4 Mutiny s Trading 6-10 No special disposition DISEA ...
212 A LIEN ISLAND INHABITANTS d6 Inhabitants 1d6 berserkers and SdlO tribal warriors 2-3 1 d6 cult fanatics and Sdl 0 cultists 4 ...
HOSTILE ISLAND LEADER MOTIVATI O N S d4 Motivat ion 2 3 4 The leader wants to commandeer a boat to con· quer other islands. The ...
211 WELCOMING ISLAND INHABITANTS d6 Inhabitants SdlO aarakocra 2 8d8 pixies and 8d8 sprites 3 ld6 lizardfolk shamans and SdlO li ...
that approaches within 10 feet of the nests, fighting to t he death to defend their eggs. Slippery Rock. Algae, ocean spray, and ...
The eel has the statistics of a giant constrictor snake, with the following changes: The eel can breathe only underwater, its wa ...
z E . , i • ... .. .. .... ,~. .. 6' «i. ~· . , ... •' ·'c3· ·r· .;. .J. "Q" I •. t:1 (^1) ;-• -::• ' • ' '• ...._. 4 .... •! ...
= '218 Granny Nightshade and hides from her in the cove, us- ing the magic of the crystal cave (area C2) to try to stay one step ...
WRECK FEATURES The Marshal has the following features: Barnacles. The outside of the Marshal is covered in all manner of sharp b ...
2~}0 Treasure. A character who succeeds on a DC^13 Wis- dom (Perception) check while searching the room finds a set of gilded na ...
O• 1 square = 5 feet ~ +- } ' r .. "" ·t ., ... 7 ;. ·-· •!· .. '! .;- ·..f ,, M1 " ··~ i.. ' WRECK'S HOLD , I ... t. •• ... ~ ~ ...
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