Ghosts of Saltmarsh
UNFORTUNATE SWIMMER The corpse on the beach was once an older human male, with a scraggly gray beard and short gray hair balding ...
the wood runs with fresh sap when damaged. The ship gains a +2 bonus to all Constitution checks or saving throws. As long as the ...
111 USKARN COUNCIL A village council of six respected merchants guides general policy for Uskarn. The council consists of the fo ...
GuARDrAN FIGUREHEAD This figurehead depicts an armored knight. As an action, the ship can activate this item, causing it to an- ...
z. LOOK OUT ABOVE Chief among the creatures drawn to the scent of death on the island is a monstrous perytoo (see appendix C) kn ...
lhe spell and crew to determine how many sailors it af- fects. Alternatively, you can roll ld6 per level of the spell. The total ...
The sun makes the waves sparkle as Firewatch Island comes fully into view. Three barren hills are its most no- ticeable land ...
.·· : ' I ,,/ -. GRomto FiooR 1 square• 10 feet M/\P 7 2 • H ERMITMiE F ll!ST FLOOR ( I I \I' I f H 7 TUl~llR:\ 1. I :; I \ I E ...
NOTICING THREATS Use the passive Wisdom (Perception) score of the player characters or the crew to determine whether anyone on t ...
drowned ones). the vines are rooted in large clay pots. Tallos grew the vines for their fruit. which he fermented into a unique ...
CREW CONFLICT DCs DC Description 10 Minor scuffle or petty theft 1 S Brawl involving several people, theft of a valuable 20 Larg ...
MIDDEN A foul stench permeates this dark room, which holds a pile of filth beneath a trapdoor in the ceiling. A ladder is bolt ...
INFEST ATION Provisioning a sea journey is challenging, particularly when allocating what to pack for the voyage. A rat infes- t ...
LIBRARY Faded tapestries showing maritime scenes and dramatic storms at sea hang from the north and south walls of this cozy r ...
druid was more than a little dependent on his assas- sin-berry wine (see area 10). and hid two flasks of the stuff inside the po ...
:z shallow water that surrounds it. B lue holes have diame- ters of ldlO x 100 feet and are ldlO x 100 feet deep. Blue holes are ...
SECOND FLOOR MAP 7,3 HERMITllGE SEC.ONO FLOOR OLD STOREROOM The door to th is area is locked but can be opened with a s uccessf ...
20! PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE Water pressure, or the weight of water on top of a crea- ture or object, increases with depth. Conv ...
BATTLEMENT A walkway open to the sky overlooks a grotto formed by the island's rocky peak and the hermitage's walls. leading ...
KRAKEN's GRAVE When krakens die, their bodies often rot on the seaftoor. lo such cases. the ground absorbs the decaying kraken·s ...
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