Ghosts of Saltmarsh
ever arrives, forcing Mr. Dory to rely solely on his own guards and minions to defend his property and himself. DI. MAIN STOREHO ...
Twenty octopuses swim in place around the room. They attack only to defend themselves. W7b. Supply Closets. These supply closets ...
succeeding on a DC^15 Strength or Dexterity check. or can be pulled free by another creature within 5 feet that uses an action a ...
.. r swims for the surface. If the green conch shell is de- stroyed, the portal closes. Gali. Gali, a merfolk, searches the ruin ...
l/b manticores roam freely through the warehouse at night. They spend their days in the loft but respond quickJy to any disturba ...
RELEASE THE KRAKEN The Society of Tentacles is a group of cultists that wor- ship krakens. Elagoth Rinecot, the cult's leader an ...
WATER HAZARD The water in areas 07, 08, and^09 isn't boiling, but it is uncomfortably hot and exceedingly foul. Any creature tha ...
APPENDIX B: MAGIC ITEMS The magic items introduced in this book are detailed here in alphabetical order. The adventure in which ...
If Dory is aware of the characters' approach. he casts invisibility on himself before they arrive here. While the golem holds in ...
APPENDIX C: MONSTERS AND NPCs This appendix details creatures and nonplayer char- acters that are mentioned in this book and tha ...
s 0 1 square = 5 feet Ml\P a. 3 : TeMP1.e oF T><ARnouN Part 4: The Lamp's Shadow 0 Whether they learn of the temple of Tha ...
BARD Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Armor Class 15 (chain shirt) Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) Speed^30 ft STR 11 (+O) DEX ...
180 ~ Tl. MILDEN S PAN ' l A tangled wall of apartments and storefronts rises up on either side of a channel of sluggish, tainte ...
BULLYWUG CROAKER Some bullywugs are born with the ability to weave magic into their songs. These rare specimens are raised in pr ...
When the cultists gather to worship Tharizdun, this room is filled with nearly a hundred of the dark god's faithful (commoners. ...
DEEP SCION Deep scions began life as people who were stolen from shore or saved from sinking s hips and offered a terrible barga ...
Development. Sgothgah recognizes that accom· plished adventurers would be highly useful servants in its conflict against the abo ...
DROWNED ASSASSIN Medium undead, chaotic evil Armor Clas s 14 (leather armor) H it Points 67 (9d8 + 27) Speed 30 ft. STR 15 (+2) ...
s • :.<;• . .• ~~!J~; - ~~'.~.... .~,. ..,i· ., t. ~ 1f"' .... ~ : ; ::j,J.. . ". ..:.:. ·. ·~ ~"'"~" , .. : .,\ •"'·. .... ...
DROWNED BLA DE Assaulting the hermitage in Tammeraut's Fate, this bar- nacle-encrusted undead warrior fights with surprising cun ...
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