Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening
Height, 6 ft. Specularia Speculum.--See "Venus's Looking-Glass." Spergula Pilfera.--May be grown in any moist situation in sandy ...
Staphylea Colchica(Mexican Bladder Nut).--This beautiful free-flowering shrub will grow in any garden soil, and produces bunches ...
ANNUAL, OR TEN WEEKS' STOCKS.--Sow the seeds in February, March, April, and May for succession; those sown in May will continue ...
"Fragaria Indica." Strawberry Tree.--See "Arbutus." Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose).--This plant is a greenhouse perennial, showin ...
Sweet Rocket.--See "Rocket." Sweet Scabious.--See "Scabious." Sweet Sultan.--Sweet-scented, Thistle-shaped hardy annual flowers, ...
ft. Tamarix.--Neat feathery plants, very suitable for banks and thriving at the seaside, as is evidenced by its luxuriant growth ...
cold frame to harden, and plant out at the end of May in rich soil. Thrift.--See "Armeria." Thumbergia.--These slender, rapid-gr ...
the foliage appears. They may be increased by off-sets or seeds. Height, 1 ft. Tobacco Plants.--See "Nicotiana." Tobacco-Water.- ...
Traveller's Joy (Clematis Viorna).--This hardy climbing plant grows best in a light soil, flowers in August, and is increased by ...
dry litter. Trollius Altaiense (Globe Flower).--A pretty, hardy herbaceous plant, with very handsome foliage. It likes a light b ...
moderate amount should be given. When the pots are full of roots, shift the plants into larger ones, and grow on in a house with ...
Ulex Europaeus Flore Pleno (Double Furze).--This elegant, hardy, evergreen shrub likes a rich, sandy soil, and may be increased ...
in March on a slight hotbed, and grown in turfy loam, or loam and peat. They bloom in May. Height, 1 ft. Venus's Car.--See "Diel ...
weather sets in. It flowers from April to June. Height, 6 in. to 8 in. Viburnum Opulus(Guelder Rose, or Snowball Tree).--A very ...
from 2 ft. to 12 ft. Virginian Creeper (Ampelopsis Hederacea).--May be propagated by layers or cuttings, and will grow in any co ...
Thin out to 2 ft. apart. They may also be increased by shoots torn from the stems of old plants. As well as flowering early in s ...
glass and in heat. It flowers in April. Height, 10 ft. Windflowers.--See "Anemones." Winter Aconite (Eranthis Hyemalis).--This i ...
Worms, to Destroy.--To each 5 lbs. of newly-slaked lime add 15 gallons of water. Stir it well, let it settle, draw off the clear ...
leaves, and is suitable for vases, etc. It bears a white flower. Yuccas are mostly evergreen shrubs, are very beautiful, and hav ...
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