Destiny Disrupted
216 DESTINY DISRUPTED To sell a lot you have to make a lot. To buy nothing, you have to be self-sufficient. But how could a nati ...
12 ~ West Comes East 905-1266AH 1500-1850 CE B ETWEEN 1500 AND 18oo CE, western Europeans sailed pretty much all over the world ...
218 DESTINY DISRUPTED C.rrot an ... in • $p.>in C::) ll.u«•• n Zone of lnOuen.oe fw~ee G::rm~"Y C"EJ Brit"h Zone of Influenc ...
WEST COMES EAST 219 ever, why would he say no? His people had businesses to run! You don't make money by refusing to sell your p ...
220 DESTINY DISRUPTED weapons and consultants from some distant, insignificant speck of an is- land west of Europe seemed like a ...
WEST COMES EAST 221 virtual carcass for vultures to pick over, the Ottomans could still muster damaging military strength. Histo ...
222 DESTINY DISRUPTED And yet historians looking back can see quite clearly that Suleiman's failure to take Vienna marked a wate ...
WEST COMES EAST 223 once the expansion stopped, the devshirme began to stagnate. And then the janissaries began to marry. And th ...
224 DESTINY DISRUPTED to jack up prices, because the state imposed limits on how much they could charge. The state protected the ...
WEST COMES EAST 225 could be had for cash paid under the table. The very trends undermining Ottoman ability to manufacture goods ...
226 DESTINY DISRUPTED To combat this gumming up of the works, the state raised salaries, so that courtiers and bureaucrats would ...
WEST COMES EAST 227 The sequestration of women had been hundreds of years in the making in the Islamic world, but even at this p ...
228 DESTINY DISRUPTED were twelve, never mingling with ordinary people or taking part in the rough-and-tumble of ordinary life u ...
WEST COMES EAST 229 power struggle erupted among his survivors; whoever won the throne took over a realm debilitated by war and ...
230 DESTINY DISRUPTED kingdom, and Sunni neighbors such as the Uzbeks and the Afghans broke into the kingdom to wreak terrible h ...
WEST COMES EAST 231 but his great-grandson Aurangzeb reversed all his policies, enforcing or- thodox Islam rigidly, restoring di ...
232 DESTINY DISRUPTED The first such company was born in 1553, when forty English mer- chants ponied up twenty-five pounds apiec ...
WEST COMES EAST 233 fore, to take the guesswork out of it and try to control the outcomes of local power struggles. To this end, ...
234 DESTINY DISRUPTED army, marched to Calcutta to extract revenge. He deposed the nawab, and installed the nawab's uncle in his ...
WEST COMES EAST 235 who worked for the British crown. It should be noted, however, that only the officers were European. The gru ...
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