Destiny Disrupted
276 DESTINY DISRUPTED something had to change, that people living in Iran or Afghanistan or Asia Minor or Egypt or Morocco had t ...
INDUSTRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NATIONALISM 277 certainly a necessary precondition to democracy. It asserts that a society operates ...
278 DESTINY DISRUPTED and Auguste Comte, philosophers who theorized that societies evolved through successively higher stages. M ...
INDUSTRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NATIONALISM 279 really had-it didn't have an army and didn't command a police force-yet within two ...
280 DESTINY DISRUPTED themselves be guided solely by reason must eventually progress toward a single universal set oflaws and va ...
INDUSTRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NATIONALISM 281 probably one key to Fichte's influence. Many Germans chafing under French rule felt ...
282 DESTINY DISRUPTED collective units, and should relinquish their individual personalities to their nation. "Say not /but we," ...
INDUS TRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NAT! ON ALI S M 283 gered the war, but President Lincoln frankly put preserving the union at the c ...
284 DESTINY DISRUPTED and others claimed a nationalist right to the territory they inhabited. The Jewish people had no territory ...
INDUSTRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NATIONALISM 285 intellectuals who pictured themselves as Palestinian farmers, even though they didn ...
286 DESTINY DISRUPTED from Ottoman officials (by haughty European bosses)." But that's certainly what they meant by 1838, when t ...
INDUS TRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NAT! ON ALI S M 287 guarantees that the "honor, life, and property" of all Ottoman subjects were ...
288 DESTINY DISRUPTED factories, the ulama railed against Ottoman officials using typewriters- Prophet Mohammed never used one, ...
INDUS TRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NAT! ON ALI S M 289 to benefit the Armenian community within the empire, or such at least was the ...
290 DESTINY DISRUPTED seemed like an age-old feature of the two communities' relationship. The Ottoman policy of dividing the po ...
INDUSTRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NATIONALISM 291 This new generation of activists called themselves the Young Turks. They used the n ...
292 DESTINY DISRUPTED with the western Europeans, in league with the breakaway Slavic territories of Eastern Europe. This new ge ...
INDUSTRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NATIONALISM 293 party: Talaat Pasha, Enver Pasha, and Djemal Pasha, and it was these "three Pashas" ...
294 DESTINY DISRUPTED pogroms and ethnic cleansing. (The United Nations defines "ethnic cleansing" as the attempt to enforce eth ...
INDUSTRY, CONSTITUTIONS, AND NATIONALISM 295 To break the deadlock, the British decide to attack the Axis powers from behind, by ...
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