Destiny Disrupted
236 DESTINY DISRUPTED Russian, of course, his title was pronounced "czar.") Between 1682 and 1725, one of the czars, Peter the G ...
WEST COMES EAST ' "The Great Game" "THE GREAT 237 should they get it from? They had such a choice of Europeans! Russian en- voys ...
238 DESTINY DISRUPTED contract he had signed, however, Iran now had to pay Baron Reuters a forty-thousand-pound penalty. Fortuna ...
WEST COMES EAST 239 back out. The first Anglo-Afghan war ended in 1841 with the Afghans massacring the entire British community ...
240 DESTINY DISRUPTED A great deal of preparation and yet not nearly enough, because British troops crushed the rebellion quickl ...
WEST COMES EAST 241 Afghanistan. Afghan kings, who might have conquered widely in the past, now focused on conquering deeply ins ...
242 DESTINY DISRUPTED them? Did they play any part in the battle between France and Britain? Who did they side with? What happen ...
WEST COMES EAST 243 Mohammed Ali invited the leading tax-farming mamluks to dinner and had them massacred. Then he launched a cr ...
244 DESTINY DISRUPTED dreams of wealth for himself and his country. He borrowed enormous sums of money from European bankers to ...
WEST COMES EAST 245 With its government gone, Algeria was a power vacuum, and you know how nature abhors those things. Instead o ...
246 DESTINY DISRUPTED 5 million Arabs happened to be living there as well and no one could fathom where they had come from or wh ...
13 ~ The Reform Movements 1150-1336 AH 1737-1918 CE AT THE SAME TIME as these political developments, a crucial story was 1".. u ...
248 DESTINY DISRUPTED ljtihad, remember, means "free and independent thinking based on rea- son." It can't depart from scripture ...
THE REFORM MOVEMENTS 249 doctrines, they were addressing issues internal to their own society, not steeling Christianity against ...
250 DESTINY DISRUPTED Even if Muslim and Christian scholars had found some forum in which to exchange views, it would have been ...
THE REFORM MOVEMENTS 251 noise, and spent their leisure time in puzzling and pointless activities such as cricket and quadrilles ...
252 DESTINY DISRUPTED These three answers to the challenge of modernity were well-embodied in three seminal reformers of the eig ...
THE REFORM MOVEMENTS 253 landscape, living in scattered oases and eking out a thin survival as traders and herders. Wahhab attra ...
254 DESTINY DISRUPTED People unconvinced of his views, however, saw his vision as a particular interpretation of Islam, not Isla ...
THE REFORM MOVEMENTS 255 Mecca and Medina, and opened the Holy City up again to Muslim pil- grims of every stripe. Then he sent ...
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