College Physics
Problems & Exercises 32.1 Medical Imaging and Diagnostics 1.A neutron generator uses anαsource, such as radium, to bombard b ...
elimination. (b) Is it surprising that such a small mass could cause a measurable radiation dose? Explain. 24.The annual radiati ...
Integrated Concepts (a) Estimate the years that the deuterium fuel in the oceans could supply the energy needs of the world. A ...
(a) Find the calories percm^2 at a distance of 10.0 km by assuming a uniform distribution over a spherical surface of that radiu ...
33 PARTICLE PHYSICS Figure 33.1Part of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, on the border of Switzerland and France. The LHC is a ...
Introduction to Particle Physics Following ideas remarkably similar to those of the ancient Greeks, we continue to look for smal ...
used the information on the range of the strong nuclear force to estimate the mass of the pion, the particle that carries it. Th ...
Table 33.1Properties of the Four Basic Forces Force Approximate relative strength Range +/−[1] Carrier particle Gravity 10 −38 ∞ ...
substructure and, as we explore it, we find that the strong force is actually related to the indirectly observed but more fundam ...
achievable magnetic field strengths, synchrotrons need to be very large at very high energies, since the radius of a high-energy ...
Figure 33.10This schematic shows the two rings of Fermilab’s accelerator and the scheme for colliding protons and antiprotons (n ...
Discussion A voltage of this magnitude is not difficult to achieve in a vacuum. Much larger gap voltages would be required for h ...
proton, neutron, and the pions are examples of hadrons. The electron, positron, muons, and neutrinos are examples of leptons, th ...
Table 33.2Selected Particle Characteristics[4] Category Particle name Symbol Antiparticle Rest mass (MeV/c^2 ) B Le Lμ Lτ S Life ...
Once the muon was discovered in cosmic rays, its decay mode was found to be μ−→e−+v- (33.7) e+vμ, which implied another “family” ...
Solution for (a) Before the decay, theΞ−has strangenessS= −2. After the decay, the total strangeness is –1 for theΛ^0 , plus 0 f ...
fundamental, whereasnohadrons are fundamental. There is strong evidence thatquarksare the fundamental building blocks of hadrons ...
Table 33.3Quarks and Antiquarks[8] Name Symbol Antiparticle Spin Charge B[9] S c b t Mass(GeV/c^2 ) [10] Up u u - 1/2 ± 2 3 qe ± ...
Table 33.4Quark Composition of Selected Hadrons[11] Particle Quark Composition Mesons π + ud - π− u-d π^0 uu - ,d d - mixture[12 ...
weak force should cause the decay by changing the flavor of one into that of the other. The spins of theuandd - quarks are antip ...
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