College Physics
Atomic Number,Z Name Atomic Mass Number,A Symbol Atomic Mass (u) Percent Abundance or Decay Mode Half-life, t1/2 31 31 Si 30.975 ...
Atomic Number,Z Name Atomic Mass Number,A Symbol Atomic Mass (u) Percent Abundance or Decay Mode Half-life, t1/2 38 Strontium 86 ...
Atomic Number,Z Name Atomic Mass Number,A Symbol Atomic Mass (u) Percent Abundance or Decay Mode Half-life, t1/2 63 Europium 153 ...
Atomic Number,Z Name Atomic Mass Number,A Symbol Atomic Mass (u) Percent Abundance or Decay Mode Half-life, t1/2 86 Radon (^2222 ...
B SELECTED RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES Decay modes areα,β−,β + , electron capture (EC) and isomeric transition (IT). EC results in the ...
Table B1Selected Radioactive Isotopes Isotope t1/2 DecayMode(s) Energy(MeV) Percent γ-Ray Energy(MeV) Percent (^3) H 12.33 y β− ...
Isotope t1/2 DecayMode(s) Energy(MeV) Percent γ-Ray Energy(MeV) Percent 113mIn 99.5 min IT γ 0.392 100% 123 I 13.0 h EC γ 0.159 ...
1246 APPENDIX B | SELECTED RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES This content is available for free at ...
C USEFUL INFORMATION This appendix is broken into several tables. Table C1, Important Constants Table C2, Submicroscopic Masses ...
Table C3Solar System Data Sun mass 1.99×10^30 kg average radius 6.96×10^8 m Earth-sun distance (average) 1 .496× 1011 m Earth ma ...
Table C6SI Units Entity Abbreviation Name Fundamental units Length m meter Mass kg kilogram Time s second Current A ampere Suppl ...
Table C8Other Units Length 1 light year (ly) = 9.46×10^15 m 1 astronomical unit (au) = 1.50×10^11 m 1 nautical mile = 1.852 km 1 ...
Table C9Useful Formulae Circumference of a circle with radiusror diameterd C= 2πr=πd Area of a circle with radiusror diameterd A ...
1252 APPENDIX C | USEFUL INFORMATION This content is available for free at ...
D GLOSSARY OF KEY SYMBOLS AND NOTATION In this glossary, key symbols and notation are briefly defined. APPENDIX D | GLOSSARY OF ...
Table D1 Symbol Definition any symbol average (indicated by a bar over a symbol—e.g., v ̄ is average velocity) °C Celsius degree ...
Symbol Definition θ angle between the force vector and the displacement vector θ angle between two lines θ contact angle θ direc ...
Symbol Definition at tangential acceleration AC alternating current AM amplitude modulation atm atmosphere B baryon number B blu ...
Symbol Definition E electric field strength ε emf (voltage) or Hall electromotive force emf electromotive force E energy of a si ...
Symbol Definition fB beat frequency fk magnitude of kinetic friction fs magnitude of static friction G gravitational constant G ...
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