Game Engine Architecture
339 8 Human Interface Devices (HID) G ames are interactive computer simulations, so the human player(s) need some way of providi ...
340 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) Figure 8.1. Standard joypads for the Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 consoles. Figure 8.2. The i ...
8.2. Interfacing with a HID 341 somewhat customized to the game in question, although input hardware is oft en re-used among arc ...
342 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) writing to special registers or memory-mapped I/O addresses, or via a higher- level API tha ...
8.3. Types of Inputs 343 8.3 Types of Inputs Although human interface devices for games vary widely in terms of form factor and ...
344 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) which physical butt on corresponds to each bit in the word. (Note that bits 10 and 11 are u ...
345 as shown in Figure 8.6). Because of this common usage, analog inputs are sometimes called analog axes , or just axes. On som ...
346 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) // 8-bit unsigned BYTE bLeftTrigger; BYTE bRightTrigger; // 16-bit signed SHORT sThumbLX; S ...
347 hand. For example, in Super Mario Galaxy, Mario hops onto a large ball and rolls it around with his feet. To control Mario i ...
348 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) and size information can be read by the console via a Bluetooth wireless con- nection. The ...
8.4. Types of Outputs 349 character in the game world might be experiencing. Vibrations are usually produced by one or more moto ...
350 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) translate into smooth, pleasing, intuitive behaviors in-game. In addition, most engines int ...
351 for the noisiest inputs generated by an undisturbed control, but small enough not to interfere with the player’s sense of th ...
352 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) buff er. The fi ltered input value is then the sum of the values in this array at any momen ...
353 if (m_sampleCount != 0) { return static_cast<F32>(m_sum) / static_cast<F32>(m_sampleCount); } return 0.0f; } }; ...
354 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) classButtonState { U32 m_buttonStates; // current frame’s button // states U32 m_prevButton ...
355 z For development purposes, holding down both the left and right trig- gers on the DualShock 3 in Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune ...
356 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) Sequences and Gesture Detection The idea of introducing a delay between when a but ...
357 check ΔT against the maximum period ΔTmax = 1/fmin directly). If this threshold is satisifi ed, we update the value of Tlast ...
358 8. Human Interface Devices (HID) bit mask by shift ing an unsigned 1 bit to the left by an amount equaling the butt on’s ind ...
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