Game Engine Architecture
419 environment maps (which contain a picture of the surrounding environment for rendering refl ections), and many others. See S ...
420 10. The Rendering Engine the following ways. These are known as texture addressing modes; which mode is used is under the co ...
421 various color formats, including RGB888, RGBA8888, RGB565, RGBA5551, and so on. Most modern graphics cards and graphics APIs ...
422 10. The Rendering Engine we create a sequence of lower-resolution bitmaps, each of which is one-half the width and one-half ...
423 World-space texel density need not be close to one, and in fact the specifi c value will usually be much greater than one an ...
424 10. The Rendering Engine Materials A material is a complete description of the visual properties of a mesh. This i ...
425 simplest of scenes can be made to look extremely realistic when it is lit accu- rately. The classic “Cornell box” scene, sho ...
426 10. The Rendering Engine The term shading is oft en used as a loose generalization of lighting plus other visual eff ects. A ...
427 ows, modeling refl ective surfaces, accounting for interrefl ection between ob- jects (where the color of one object aff ect ...
428 10. The Rendering Engine z the viewing direction vector V = [ Vx Vy Vz ], which extends from the refl ection point to the vi ...
429 In these equations, the vector Ri = [ Rxi Ryi Rzi ] is the refl ection of the light ray’s direction vector Li about the surf ...
430 10. The Rendering Engine A BRDF calculates the ratio of the outgoing (refl ected) radiance along a given viewing direction V ...
431 Static Lighting The fastest lighting calculation is the one you don’t do at all. Lighting is there- fore performed off -line ...
432 10. The Rendering Engine and a maximum radius rmax. The rendering engine only applies the eff ects of a point light to those ...
433 10.1.4. The Virtual Camera In computer graphics, the virtual camera is much simpler than a real camera or the human eye. We ...
434 10. The Rendering Engine The camera’s position and orientation can be specifi ed using a view-to- world matrix , just as a m ...
435 The View Volume and the Frustum The region of space that the camera can “see” is known as the view volume. A view ...
436 10. The Rendering Engine Projection and Homogeneous Clip Space Both perspective and orthographic projections trans ...
437 dinate system “clip space” because the view volume planes are axis-aligned, making it convenient to clip triangles to the vi ...
438 10. The Rendering Engine Division by Z Perspective projection results in each vertex’s x- and y-coordinates being di- vided ...
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