Game Engine Architecture
599 Design Impacts z Predictability. The inherent chaos and variability that sets a physically simulated behavior apar ...
600 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics z Rag doll physics. Rag dolls require a lot of fi ne-tuning and oft en suff er from in ...
12.2. Collision/Physics Middleware 601 Having explored the impacts, most teams today do choose to integrate a rigid body dynamic ...
602 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics 12.2.3. Bullet Bullet is an open-source collision detection and physics library used b ...
12.3. The Collision Detection System 603 12.2.7. Physics Abstraction Layer (PAL) The Physics Abstraction Layer (PAL) is an open- ...
604 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics behaviors like bouncing, rolling, sliding, and coming to rest. But, of course, even ga ...
605 form. The shape describes the collidable’s geometric form, and the transform describes the shape’s position and orientation ...
606 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics This eliminates the need for the collision system to iterate over any irrelevant data ...
12.3. The Collision Detection System 607 a shape simply as a region of space described by a boundary, with a defi nite inside an ...
608 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics cluding which individual shapes were intersecting and possibly even which individual f ...
12.3. The Collision Detection System 609 effi cient to intersect than cylinders or boxes, so they are oft en used to model objec ...
610 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics Oriented Bounding Boxes If we permit an axis-aligned box to rotate relative ...
611 Arbitrary Convex Volumes Most collision engines permit arbitrary convex volumes to be constructed by a 3D artist i ...
612 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics this reason, this type of shape is oft en called a polygon soup , or poly soup for sho ...
613 A compound shape can oft en be a more-effi cient alternative to a poly soup for modeling non-convex objects; two or more con ...
614 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics Point versus Sphere We can determine whether a point p lies within a sphere ...
615 The projection of a two-dimensional convex shape onto an axis acts like the shadow that the object would leave on a thin wir ...
616 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics axis is the one parallel to the center-to-center line segment. As the spheres move apa ...
617 Detecting Convex Collisions: The GJK Algorithm A very effi cient algorithm exists for detecting intersections betw ...
618 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics single-point simplex is a point, a two-point simplex is a line segment, a three- point ...
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