Game Engine Architecture
619 To truly understand the GJK algorithm, you’ll need to check out the pa- pers and video I refernce above. But hopefully this ...
620 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics ic intersection test cases. Concrete agent classes include hkpSphereSphere Agent, hkpS ...
621 Rather than testing static snapshots of the collision world for intersec- tions, we can test the swept shapes formed by movi ...
622 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics testing of swept shapes becomes much more complex and computationally intensive than i ...
623 Temporal Coherency One common optimization technique is to take advantage of temporal coher- ency , also known as ...
624 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics z Finally, the collidables’ individual primitives are tested for intersection. This is ...
625 objects in the collision world. If it intersects any of them, the contact point or points are returned. Ray casting systems ...
626 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics are used by weapon systems (e.g., to determine bullet hits), player mechanics (e.g., t ...
627 may end up touching more than one part of the poly soup simultaneously. We can safely say that no matt er what kind of conve ...
628 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics Point m_contactPoint; // location of actual // contact Vector m_normal; // surface nor ...
629 “real” collidables. In fact, the only diff erence between a phantom and a regu- lar collidable is that it is “invisible” to ...
630 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics Game-Specifi c Collision Materials Game developers oft en need to categorize ...
631 that there are no quantum eff ects, and their speeds are low enough that there are no relativistic eff ects. z Rigid bodies. ...
632 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics A simple object like a rock, weapon or barrel, might correspond to one rigid body. But ...
633 Separability of Linear and Angular Dynamics An unconstrained rigid body is one that can translate freely along all ...
634 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics become integrals in the limit as the sizes and masses of the litt le pieces ap- proach ...
635 a v v r r () () () () ( ). t dt dt t dt dt t == == 2 2 Force and Momentum A force is defi ned as anything tha ...
636 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics means fi nding v(t) and r(t) given knowledge of the net force Fnet(t) and pos- sibly o ...
637 As we saw in Equation (12.3), force is a function of time, position, and velocity in general: r()t Fr r, (), (). m =^1 () ...
638 12. Collision and Rigid Body Dynamics Explicit Euler One of the simplest numerical solutions to an ODE is known as ...
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