Game Engine Architecture
539 blending in 50% of the diff erence clip should make him turn his head only 40 degrees to the right. To accomplish this, we t ...
540 11. Animation Systems Keep hip rotations to a minimum in the reference clip. The shoulder and elbow joints should usually b ...
541 Target Clip (and Reference) Target + Difference A Target + Difference B Target + Difference C Figure 11.39. Additive blends ...
542 11. Animation Systems to aim as far right as possible. Blending 50 percent of the left additive causes him to aim at an angl ...
543 11.7.1. Procedural Animations A procedural animation is any animation generated at runtime rather than be- ing driven by dat ...
544 11. Animation Systems A regular animation clip is an example of forward kinematics (FK). In for- ward kinematics, the input ...
545 We won’t get into the details of solving the IK minimization problem here. You can read more about IK at htt p://en.wikipedi ...
546 11. Animation Systems byte fl oating-point value, a one-second clip sampled at 30 samples per second would occupy 4 bytes × ...
547 with only 16 bits of precision, so we’re really wasting 16 bits per channel if we store our quats using 32-bit fl oats. Conv ...
548 11. Animation Systems er, we can always shift and scale any fl oating-point range into the range [0, 1]. For example, the ra ...
549 To handle arbitrary input values in the range [min, max], we can use these routines: U32 CompressFloatRL(F32value, F32 min, ...
550 11. Animation Systems from animation to animation, or from joint to joint, we must store the range with the compressed clip ...
551 we achieved by omitt ing samples in the fi rst place. However, some game en- gines have used this technique successfully. 11 ...
552 11. Animation Systems All other animations are usually loaded on an as-needed basis. Some game engines load animation clips ...
553 all of the animation-related code to be encapsulated, allowing top-level player control or AI logic to remain unclutt ered b ...
554 11. Animation Systems from the modifi ed local pose. Obviously, a post-processing operation that does not require global pos ...
555 joints within the skeleton, plus weights governing how much infl uence each joint should have on that vertex’s position. An ...
556 11. Animation Systems types of characters, it is usually bett er to create multiple meshes skinned to the same skeleton when ...
557 controlled by one or more blend weights. There are two primary meth- ods of describing the set of clips that should be blend ...
558 11. Animation Systems The equation for the weighted average of a set of N vectors { vi } is as fol- lows: 1 avg^0 1 0 . N ii ...
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