Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.
Currents consist of individual electrical charges, usually electrons. We can therefore consider the magnetic fields produced by ...
magnetic field and a magnetic dipole. When a magnetic dipole is subjected to a magnetic field B, there is a potential energy of ...
where Qis the total charge passing by a point per second. The area of a circu- lar orbit is r^2. Combining the above equation w ...
For atoms, four quantum numbers describe the energy of an electron:n,, m, and ms. (All electrons have s^12 .) For multielec ...
transition to ML1, except it will have the opposite sign. Therefore (and without the need to do any additional math), Emag[ML ...
This simplified version ofgJis off by only about 0.1% from the expression in equation 16.12. The selection rules in terms ofJ,L, ...
where ̃resis the frequency of the absorbed light in units of wavenumbers, his Planck’s constant,cis the speed of light in unit ...
Example 16.6 What magnetic field is necessary for an ms^12 →ms^12 transition to be in resonance with microwave radiation ...
relatively evenly spaced. It is easy to define a hyperfine coupling constant a,hav- ing units of T (tesla), such that Blocal env ...
Example 16.8 In an ESR experiment where the microwave radiation was fixed at 10.0 GHz, the MI,z^12 absorption of an ESR spec ...
particles most popular in our treatment of quantum mechanics: the electrons. However, atoms also have nuclei, which have many of ...
mge BSg e B 1 2 3 2 ^ 2.002 6.626 2 1 0 ^34 Js) 3 4 2.002(9.274 10 ^24 J/T) ^3 4 wh ...
units of s^1. Spectroscopy based on the splitting of the MIlevels of nuclei by a magnetic field is called nuclear magnetic reso ...
What equation 16.27 implies is that different nuclei of the same element experience different total magnetic fields due to their ...
Solution a.The benzene molecule is highly symmetric, and all its hydrogens are envi- ronmentally equivalent. Therefore, only a s ...
Higher-resolution NMR spectra provide even more information about the structure of a molecule. This is because nuclei that have ...
hydrogen atoms, and ultimately only the hydrogen atoms bonded to adjacent carbon atoms will participate in spin-spin coupling. ( ...
These relative intensity ratios are familiar. They are, indeed, the binomial co- efficients, which are the coefficients of the p ...
splits into a total of 6 1 7 individual absorptions (a heptet). The relative intensities of the triplet/heptet absorptions sho ...
This perpendicular pulse causes the magnetic moments of the nuclei to pre- cess in a circular path, an effect that can be measur ...
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