Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications
By discharge from treatment, client will exhibit no signs or Long-term GoalShort-term GoalClient will gain lbs per week (amount ...
11. As nutritional status improves and eating habits are estab-^224 9. Do not discuss food or eating with client, once protocol ...
1. Keep strict record of intake and output. Teach client hours.Interventions with Dry skinDecreased skin turgorWea k ne s sChang ...
Defi^226 [Possible chemical imbalance caused by malfunction of [Feelings of helplessness and lack of control in life situation][ ...
3. When nutritional status has improved, begin to explore with Client will be able to verbalize adaptive coping mechanisms that ...
DefiSituational and maturational crises[Increased diffiPoor eye contactRestlessness●Apprehensive; fearfulOverexcitedDefiIncrease ...
Client is able to verbalize ways in which he or she may gain 3. Review client’s methods of coping with similar situations Outco ...
as “fat” within specifiLack of eye contactInterventions with developed by time of discharge from therapy.cupation with own appea ...
7. Help client claim ownership of angry feelings and recognize for ObesityCommon Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions 3. Client v ...
Client will demonstrate change in eating patterns resulting in a Long-term GoalShort-term GoalClient will verbalize understandin ...
DefiNegative feelings about body (e.g., feelings of helplessness, 1. Client has established a healthy pattern of eating for weig ...
(^234) 6. Refer client to support or therapy group. 5. H e l p c l i e nt i d e nt i f y p o s it i v e s e l f- a t t r i b u t ...
Me (obesity) (bulimia nnervosa) c. d. e. http://win.nidd ...
ing categories are defithe disappearance of, or adaptation to, the stressor. The follow-Adjustment Disorder● 1. The essential fe ...
Predisposing Factors 1. 2. occupational or academic inhibition, without signifidepressed or anxious mood. b. may include physica ...
4. Nervousness 3. Hopelessness 14. Social isolation 13. Manipulative behavior12. Inability to function occupationally or academi ...
[Anger; rage] 1. Client will demonstrate adaptive coping strategies for use [Dysfunctional family system][Low self-esteem][Unres ...
(^240) 4. Obtain verbal or written contract from client agreeing not 5. Help client recognize when anger occurs and to accept 7. ...
Client demonstrates use of adaptive coping strategies when 14. Observe the client in restraints every 15 minutes (or ac- 1. Anx ...
By time of discharge from treatment, client will be able to rec-Increased cardiac and respiratory rates 1. Be available to stay ...
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