How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology
392 a s y n tHe sis away. In line 4, “patches of duckweed beaten by the rain” works in the same fash- ion; it changes the topic, ...
r Hy tHm, s y n taX , anD v ision oF C H i ne s e P oe t ry 393 fu, and shi genres, ci poetry does not exhibit an overall unifor ...
394 a s y n tHe sis completion. While these principles of line formation are faithfully observed in shi, sao, and fu poetry, the ...
r Hy tHm, s y n taX , anD v ision oF C H i ne s e P oe t ry 395 search search seek seek 尋尋覓覓 ▲ (xún xún mì mì) cold cold lonely ...
396 a s y n tHe sis use of tripling. Lines 1–3 constitute a tripling of hexasyllabic lines, and each line, in turn, a tripling o ...
r Hy tHm, s y n taX , anD v ision oF C H i ne s e P oe t ry 397 These fourteen reduplicatives are of a kind rarely used in earli ...
398 a s y n tHe sis a much broader array of subject + predicate and topic + comment constructions than what has been presented h ...
r Hy tHm, s y n taX , anD v ision oF C H i ne s e P oe t ry 399 Kao Yu-kung 高友工. Zhongguo meidian yu wenxue yanjiu lunji 中國美典與文學 ...
Phonetic Transcriptions of Entering-Tone Characters This list contains the entering-tone characters used in the recent-style shi ...
402 P Hone t iC t ran sC riP t ion s oF e n t e ri ng -t one C Ha raC t e r s shuò 朔 sraewk shuō 說 sywet sù 宿 sjuwk tà 闥 that t ...
❀ ❀ ❀ Abbreviations of Primary Texts BJYJJJ Zhu Jincheng 朱金城, ed. Bai Juyi ji jianjiao 白居易集笺校 (The Works of Bai Juyi, with Notes ...
404 a bb r e v i at ion s oF Pri m a ry t eX t s QTWDC Zhang Zhang 張璋 and Huang Yu 黃畬, eds. Quan Tang Wudai ci 全唐五代詞 (Complete C ...
❀ ❀ ❀ Acknowledgments How to Read Chinese Poetry: A Guided Anthology was generously funded by the Cen- ter for East Asian and Pa ...
❀ ❀ ❀ Contributors Robert Ashmore is associate professor of classical Chinese literature at the University of California, Berkel ...
408 C on t ri bu t or s Gender, Writing, and Agency in Late Imperial China (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2008); coedit ...
C on t ri bu t or s 409 Maija Bell Samei is an independent scholar who teaches part-time at the University of North Carolina at ...
410 C on t ri bu t or s China (Albany: State University of New York Press, forthcoming), as well as of many articles on Chinese ...
❀ ❀ ❀ Glossary-Index A Jiao 阿嬌 (wife of Emperor Wu of the Han), 295 Among the Flowers Collection. See Huajian ji An Lushan 安禄山 ( ...
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