Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management
diVerences in the goals of managers and workers and the way in which favorite prescriptions worked well in some contexts but not ...
businesses are aVected by the economics of production in their chosen sector, creating a natural scepticism among managers about ...
it is not simply about outcomes sought by shareholders or by their imperfect agents, managers. HRM research is taking on board t ...
organizations as the US Academy of Management, and the shortening of academic vision that can occur through processes such as th ...
contributors lay down their theoretical foundations and review major conceptual frameworks. This begins with Bruce Kaufman’s rev ...
IR theory which oVers an analysis of the dynamics of employer–employee conXict. Starting from assumptions about a ‘structured an ...
argue, drawing on US experience and perspectives, that we should subscribe to some ‘best practices’ in thisWeld and that the cha ...
underpinning why and how HR practices vary across diVerent occupational, company, industry, and societal contexts. The engagemen ...
management relevant to particular market characteristics. Future research could usefully be focused much more on sectors or occu ...
professional identity that inform specialist HR roles. These last two chapters help to reinforce the point that an analytical ap ...
Brewster,C.( 1999 ). ‘DiVerent Paradigms in Strategic HRM: Questions Raised by Comparative Research.’ In P. Wright, L. Dyer, J. ...
Mahoney, T., and Deckop,J.( 1986 ). ‘Evolution of Concept and Practice in Personnel Administration/Human Resource Management (PA ...
part i ......................................................................................................................... ...
chapter 2 ...................................................................................................................... ...
2.2 The Origins and Early Development of HRM ................................................................................... ...
reports, for example, that the German steel company Krupp had a long-established Personnelbu ̈ro to handle staV administration, ...
end of the war many AmericanWrms took the two functions of welfare work and employment management and combined them into a new d ...
model of HRM, in which labor was traded and used more or less like any other commodity, and moved to what labor economist John C ...
in 1922 Rockefeller donated funds to Princeton University to establish an Industrial Relations Section, theWrst academic unit in ...
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