Emergency Medicine
356 Paediatric Emergencies ABDOMINAL PAIN, DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING (b) in infants, pain may be inferred from spasms of crying, re ...
Paediatric Emergencies 357 ABDOMINAL PAIN, DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING (i) White cells are seen in the urine in peritonitis and appen ...
358 Paediatric Emergencies ABDOMINAL PAIN, DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING (ii) Causes in infants (up to 1 year) (a) pyloric stenosis, ty ...
Paediatric Emergencies 359 ABDOMINAL PAIN, DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING 8 Send urine for microscopy, culture and sensitivity if signif ...
360 Paediatric Emergencies ABDOMINAL PAIN, DIARRHOEA AND VOMITING (iv) For example, a 24 kg child has a daily fluid maintenance ...
Paediatric Emergencies 361 FEBRILE CHILD (ii) A slower rehydration rate still is preferred in an infant <6 months of age, whe ...
362 Paediatric Emergencies FEBRILE CHILD 3 The risk of a significant bacterial infection in fever without a focus is propor- tio ...
Paediatric Emergencies 363 FEBRILE CHILD MANAGEMENT 1 Treat the toxic, unwell child symptomatically with oxygen via a face mask, ...
364 Paediatric Emergencies Seizures and Febrile Convulsions Seizures Seizures must be distinguished from other causes of brief l ...
Paediatric Emergencies 365 SEIZURES AND FEBRILE CONVULSIONS 2 Check for hypoglycaemia using a blood-glucose test strip. Give 10% ...
366 Paediatric Emergencies SEIZURES AND FEBRILE CONVULSIONS 5 Request a CXR, FBC and urinalysis. (i) Consider the need for a lum ...
Paediatric Emergencies 367 Acute Poisoning Most cases of acute poisoning in children are accidental, although rarely deliber- at ...
368 Paediatric Emergencies ACUTE POISONING 3 Give naloxone 10–40 g/kg i.v., or i.m. if venous access is impossible, when there ...
Paediatric Emergencies 369 Limping Child 8 Refer patients to the paediatric team for admission and observation if: (i) Symptomat ...
370 Paediatric Emergencies Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (iii) Age 11–15 years (a) slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) ...
Paediatric Emergencies 371 SUDDEN UNEXPECTED DEATH IN INFANCY 2 SIDS is defined as the sudden death of any infant under the age ...
372 Paediatric Emergencies Child Abuse (Non-accidental Injury) 10 Make certain you also inform the following by telephone: (i) G ...
Paediatric Emergencies 373 CHILD ABUSE (NON-ACCIDENTAL INJURY) torn upper lip frenulum, or palatal haemorrhage from a feeding b ...
374 Paediatric Emergencies Further Reading American Heart Association. http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/vol122/18_ suppl_3/ ( ...
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