478 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 Example 10.15. A cooling tower used in power plant consists of 10 big f ...
PSYCHROMETRICS 479 dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 W 30 Cº D B T 22 Cº t = 18.6 Cdp º Fig. 10.20 Example 10.17. 200 m^3 of air per min ...
480 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 15 Cº 25 Cº D B T 1 2 W 75% RH 41% RH h(kJ/kg) h = 35.4 1 h = 45.2 2 Fi ...
PSYCHROMETRICS 481 dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 l Locate the point ‘2’ where the above two lines intersect. 12 Cº 20 Cº 24.5 Cº W = ...
482 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 Example 10.19. It is required to design an air-conditioning system for ...
PSYCHROMETRICS 483 dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 W 1 = 19.6 gm/kg, W 3 = 11.8 gm/kg tdb 2 = 17.6ºC, vs 1 = 0.892 m^3 /kg. The mass o ...
484 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 Relative humidity, φ = ppv vs A ‘Psychrometer’ is a device which is us ...
PSYCHROMETRICS 485 dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 The relative humidity, during heating and humidification, (a) increases (b) decrea ...
486 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-2.pm5 (i) The heat supplied to the air ; (ii) The final relative humidity. [A ...
11 Fuels and Combustion (Including Chemical Thermodynamics) 11.1. Introduction. 11.2. Classification of fuels. 11.3. Solid fuels ...
488 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 Liquid Petroleum Gasoline Kerosene Fuel oil Alcohol Benzol Shale oil Ga ...
FUELS AND COMBUSTION 489 dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 Briquettes. These are prepared from fine coal or coke by compressing the mate ...
490 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 Water or illuminating gas. It is produced by blowing steam into white h ...
FUELS AND COMBUSTION 491 dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 Table 11.1. Symbols and Molecular weights Molecule Atom Elements/Compounds/Ga ...
492 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 ∴ 2(2 × 1) + 2 × 16 → 2(2 × 1 + 16) i.e., 4 kg H 2 + 32 kg O 2 → 36 k ...
FUELS AND COMBUSTION 493 dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 If a further supply of oxygen is available then the combustion can continue t ...
494 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 The ratios are expressed as follows : For gaseous fuels By volume For s ...
FUELS AND COMBUSTION 495 dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 In eqn. [11.4 (b)], it was shown that 1 kg of carbon produces 11/3 kg of CO 2 ...
496 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 Fig. 11.1. Orsat’s apparatus. Pipette 3, 4 : Contain an acid solution o ...
FUELS AND COMBUSTION 497 dharm \M-therm\Th11-1.pm5 partial pressures of the remaining constituents is constant. The vapour then ...
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